Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017

SG very stressful! part 27

  • 05 June 2016 - 09:28 PM

    Like this means we don't have to pity the hubby already.

    Both also same kind.

    Maybe her hubby can't feed her enough, gotta resort to this kind of ploys.
  • 05 June 2016 - 09:38 PM

    She has replied. Excuses lai liao :XD: :XD:


    And I quote

    "...Mrs Feng, adding that she was having a flu that day and was not feeling well."

    "I'm not a bad or evil person," she added.

    I consider myself quite fit and strong.....however I will not be able to shout so loud for so long if I have flu and not feeling well.

    I envy her able to have so much energy even when sick.
  • 05 June 2016 - 09:43 PM

    Alice and her adventures deserve a thread on it's own..... easier to follow?

  • 05 June 2016 - 09:49 PM


    Whatsapp :grin:

    Just saw her at nex food court :grin:

    You know the rules here.....

    NPNT ..... :pissed-off:

  • 05 June 2016 - 09:51 PM
    want to apologize please do a sincere one, both husband and wife should do it together, not call a reporter and do your side of the story (excuse) cos people will not listen other than a bow and say you are truly sorry, no if no but.
  • 05 June 2016 - 11:46 PM

    You know the rules here.....

    NPNT ..... :pissed-off:

    Inside the link got the picture mah
  • 06 June 2016 - 07:45 AM

    Aiyoh...these days is NBNT (No BUFFET No Talk).

    Pics are in the link liao, need to go click into it to self serve mah.

    Reference this NBNT couple too:



    You know the rules here.....

    NPNT ..... :pissed-off:

  • 06 June 2016 - 07:52 AM

    Aiyoh...these days is NBNT (No BUFFET No Talk).

    Pics are in the link liao, need to go click into it to self serve mah.

    Reference this NBNT couple too:



    wahahahahahaha....damn uncanny resemblance leh...see pic below...kekekeke


  • 06 June 2016 - 07:54 AM


    Tiong Translation Service

    Boy: No need to be scared girl, I am a good person.

    Girl: Why it doesn't look like it.....


    She has replied. Excuses lai liao :XD: :XD:


    And I quote

    "...Mrs Feng, adding that she was having a flu that day and was not feeling well."

    "I'm not a bad or evil person," she added.

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:02 AM

    Aiyoh...these days is NBNT (No BUFFET No Talk).

    Pics are in the link liao, need to go click into it to self serve mah.

    Reference this NBNT couple too:



    Ai yo..... my home CPU very stressful lar.... :lll._.:

    Sometimes cannot login to web-site and also those MCF emoticon cannot use if login from my home computer. Click reply and blank screen came out....... :pissed-off:

    Waiting for offer, those all-in-one desk-top computer. Save my desk space... :secret-laugh:

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:07 AM

    Ai yo..... my home CPU very stressful lar.... :lll._.:

    Sometimes cannot login to web-site and also those MCF emoticon cannot use if login from my home computer. Click reply and blank screen came out....... :pissed-off:

    Waiting for offer, those all-in-one desk-top computer. Save my desk space... :secret-laugh:

    nah.... pc

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:14 AM

    My professional diagnosis is that your home PC developed MCFitis....a.k.a allergy to MCF :D

    But seriously, if space is of concern and you don't really do CPU/ram/graphics intensive work, why not consider getting a lappy to replace your traditional CPU/LCD/Keyboard combo?

    Ai yo..... my home CPU very stressful lar.... :lll._.:

    Sometimes cannot login to web-site and also those MCF emoticon cannot use if login from my home computer. Click reply and blank screen came out....... :pissed-off:

    Waiting for offer, those all-in-one desk-top computer. Save my desk space... :secret-laugh:

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:28 AM

    Thanks bro.... [wave]

    But one still need a DVD drive, wireless keyboard, a mouse and a monitor... � :dizzy:

    I am looking at either Dell, HP, Lenovo or Toshiba All-In-One desk-top.

    Attached Thumbnails

    • Dell.jpg
    • Lenovo-IdeaCentre-B520-All-in-one-PC.jpg
    • HP Desktops & All-in-One PC.jpg
    • Tosiba LX835.jpg

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:32 AM

    My professional diagnosis is that your home PC developed MCFitis....a.k.a allergy to MCF :D

    But seriously, if space is of concern and you don't really do CPU/ram/graphics intensive work, why not consider getting a lappy to replace your traditional CPU/LCD/Keyboard combo?

    If login to tiko threads, 15.5 inches screen of a lappy can't see much.... :sick:

    But from my 23.5 inches touch screen monitor, things look much bigger & better ... :XD:

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:38 AM

    Dey.....touch screen monitor don't literally mean you can touch those melons on the screen lah.... :grin:

    If login to tiko threads, 15.5 inches screen of a lappy can't see much.... :sick:

    But from my 23.5 inches touch screen monitor, things look much bigger & better ... :XD:

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:40 AM

    interesting ...

    grassroots so fun ...

    Attached Thumbnails

    • KCDncCpl.jpg

    Edited by Blueray, 06 June 2016 - 08:51 AM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:44 AM

    Dey.....touch screen monitor don't literally mean you can touch those melons on the screen lah.... :grin:

    Hey..... touch what you want to see�on the screen and using two fingers, draw the picture bigger .... :serious-business:

    Nobody ask you to touch, just make bigger ... :XD:��

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:46 AM






    And you can see Life-Sized Tiko content :grin:

    Thanks bro.... [wave]

    But one still need a DVD drive, wireless keyboard, a mouse and a monitor... � :dizzy:

    I am looking at either Dell, HP, Lenovo or Toshiba All-In-One desk-top.

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:55 AM

    interesting ...

    grassroots so fun ...

    So confirm? She is just resident? Since she is mention as resident instead of volunteer.
  • 06 June 2016 - 09:13 AM
    i agree that the parent are as holes but dont post picture of the kids
  • 06 June 2016 - 09:14 AM

    i agree that the parent are as holes but dont post picture of the kids

    apparently she no kids leh.....

  • 06 June 2016 - 09:20 AM

    interesting ...

    I will stay far far away�with such a person of 'all time greatest' characters..... [sweatdrop]

    Maybe the 'bak chang' was given�free .... :slow:

    In school, my English teacher always made us recite many proverbs: "One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison", "To Each It's Own", "Save The Best For Last",�"Birds Of A Feather, Flocks Together" ...... etc. :yeah-im-not-drunk:��

    Edited by Picnic06-Biante15, 06 June 2016 - 09:21 AM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 09:22 AM


    And you can see Life-Sized Tiko content :grin:

    If I get the life-sized one on the right, I don't want the screen...... :serious-business:

    Where got time to login to computer�at home ... � :wub:

  • 06 June 2016 - 09:25 AM

    Even the victim is 100 times more gracious than her....




    Tiong Translation Service: The reporter interviewed the deaf anf mute cleaner, and he sign-languaged that he is not angry and ask for the matter to be pacified.

  • 06 June 2016 - 09:27 AM

    apparently she no kids leh.....

    saw one of the link on hwz showing her with kids.

    poor kids...going to leave a fat scar on them
  • 06 June 2016 - 10:40 AM

    end up become a busybody?

    wait end up AMDK also hoot the woman

  • 06 June 2016 - 10:44 AM

    Besides shaming that unrepentant POS, I think we should be thankful for those who work as cleaners and�janitors who strive to make our environment�more pleasant, albeit usually at a pittance. Honestly, nobody�ever wants to grow up as cleaners when they were once young.�

    Sometimes, when I�dine at�parkway parade foodcourt, I will buy a few more tutu kueh to treat the cleaners.�These are little things we can do at our own insignificant level to�make the world a better place. �

    BTW, I guess most of us already notice majority of� them belongs either to our parent or grandparents generations.

    The very people who now some label them as "Chinese heli*", a relatively unknown derogatory term� until some one decided to include it as part of their singlish terminology.

    We cannot practice one standard of respect while ignoring another.

    There is another English word for that : Hypocrisy.


  • 06 June 2016 - 10:44 AM

    maybe it's just their way of foreplay?


    This is a classic example of the guys successfully manipulating and dominating the girl into submission physically, emotionally and psychologically.

    Abuse in its highest form. The girl is most probably already destroyed and living like a train wreck with his abusive guy.
  • 06 June 2016 - 10:45 AM

    end up become a busybody?

    I still remembered my mother "Repeating Broken Cassette Tape" teachings when I greets her while stepping out of the main door, mum..I'm on my way to school.

    She always remind me at the door step, you mustn't intervene into other school mates quarrel or fight, I asked her "Mum, why can't help?"

    She explained, if they reconcile later and becomes buddy ? They might gang up to take you as new opponent !

    Moral of the story in Chinese is �" ? ? ? ? "� :beaten:

  • 06 June 2016 - 10:45 AM

    stockholm syndrome? lol

    This is a classic example of the guys successfully manipulating and dominating the girl into submission physically, emotionally and psychologically.

    Abuse in its highest form. The girl is most probably already destroyed and living like a train wreck with his abusive guy.

  • 06 June 2016 - 10:48 AM

    stockholm syndrome? lol

    You will be surprise by the effect.

    Seen it first hand, very nasty. That's why they say love is blind.

    Only after they broke off, took a few year to realise how stupid she is.
  • 06 June 2016 - 10:55 AM

    Besides shaming that unrepentant POS, I think we should be thankful for those who work as cleaners and janitors who strive to make our environment more pleasant, albeit usually at a pittance. Honestly, nobody ever wants to grow up as cleaners when they were once young.

    Sometimes, when I dine at parkway parade foodcourt, I will buy a few more tutu kueh to treat the cleaners. These are little things we can do at our own insignificant level to make the world a better place.

    Yes. I agree.

    Many times it's the small little gestures that can cheer people up and give them encouragement.
  • 06 June 2016 - 11:03 AM

    Passengers and cabin crews are equally very stressful too � :a-confused:

    Man rests feet on plane wall -- then asks 'why' when stewardess tells him not to do so
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�323 views|�1 comments
    feetmain.jpgPHOTO: Facebook

    A passenger on a flight from Manila to Singapore at 3pm yesterday (June 5) saw a man rest his feet high up on a wall in the cabin of the plane.

    The passenger posted a photo of the incident on Facebook and detailed the incident.�Stomper�R�also alerted us to her post.

    When contacted by�Stomp, the Facebook user said that the man put his feet up before the plane took off.

    "He continued doing so after take-off, so the stewardess politely told him to put his feet down," said the Facebook user.

    But the man refused to do so, and asked the stewardess why.

    When asked if anyone else spoke to the man, the Facebook user said:

    "No. I guess it came across as an incident that was normal? Or that it would probably fall on deaf ears as everyone has their free will and I don't think airplanes has a particular rule on putting their feet up like that.

    "I'm not trying to call that guy out in particular for people to look for him but I just hope to create some awareness about appropriate behaviour in public as we have to respect the people around us."

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:05 AM

    I am praying very hard the good guy is not MCF Darryn:beaten:

    Man steps up to stop guy who was hitting girl at West Coast Hawker Centre -- only for victim to yell vulgarities at him
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�30 views|�0 comments

    Stomper�TSN�was incensed to see a girl, who was being scolded and beaten by a guy�at West Coast Hawker Centre at 5pm, scold a man who tried to help her.

    The Stomper was�at the hawker centre yesterday (June 6) at 5pm�when he saw the guy scolding the girl.

    TSN also said he hit the girl, which prompted a Caucasian man, who was there with his kids, to step in. He�told the guy that he should not be hitting a woman.

    However, the girl responded to this by scolding the man who stepped up to defend, according to the Stomper.

    "She said he was nosey and even used vulgarities on him," said TSN.

    "She even told him to go back to his country.

    "This couple really is a disgrace to Singapore."

    Sian, when the girl herself refuses the help and allow herself to be abused..�

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:07 AM

    Sian, when the girl herself refuses the help and allow herself to be abused..�

    Love is BLIND � :dizzy:

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:12 AM

    Passengers and cabin crews are equally very stressful too � :a-confused:

    Man rests feet on plane wall -- then asks 'why' when stewardess tells him not to do so
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�323 views|�1 comments
    feetmain.jpgPHOTO: Facebook

    A passenger on a flight from Manila to Singapore at 3pm yesterday (June 5) saw a man rest his feet high up on a wall in the cabin of the plane.

    The passenger posted a photo of the incident on Facebook and detailed the incident.�Stomper�R�also alerted us to her post.

    When contacted by�Stomp, the Facebook user said that the man put his feet up before the plane took off.

    "He continued doing so after take-off, so the stewardess politely told him to put his feet down," said the Facebook user.

    But the man refused to do so, and asked the stewardess why.

    When asked if anyone else spoke to the man, the Facebook user said:

    "No. I guess it came across as an incident that was normal? Or that it would probably fall on deaf ears as everyone has their free will and I don't think airplanes has a particular rule on putting their feet up like that.

    "I'm not trying to call that guy out in particular for people to look for him but I just hope to create some awareness about appropriate behaviour in public as we have to respect the people around us."

    eeeyur so low class

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:17 AM

    Passengers and cabin crews are equally very stressful too � :a-confused:

    Man rests feet on plane wall -- then asks 'why' when stewardess tells him not to do so
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�323 views|�1 comments
    PHOTO: Facebook

    A passenger on a flight from Manila to Singapore at 3pm yesterday (June 5) saw a man rest his feet high up on a wall in the cabin of the plane.

    The passenger posted a photo of the incident on Facebook and detailed the incident.�Stomper�R�also alerted us to her post.

    When contacted by�Stomp, the Facebook user said that the man put his feet up before the plane took off.

    "He continued doing so after take-off, so the stewardess politely told him to put his feet down," said the Facebook user.

    But the man refused to do so, and asked the stewardess why.

    When asked if anyone else spoke to the man, the Facebook user said:

    "No. I guess it came across as an incident that was normal? Or that it would probably fall on deaf ears as everyone has their free will and I don't think airplanes has a particular rule on putting their feet up like that.

    "I'm not trying to call that guy out in particular for people to look for him but I just hope to create some awareness about appropriate behaviour in public as we have to respect the people around us."

    This is a real practical problem that happens regularly when dealing with youth these days and modern society in general. Expected behaviour in public and social norms are no longer complied with. So, what to do next? Make rules?

    Long ago, those of us brought up in proper households will somehow get this programmed into us, that there are things we shouldn't do in public, and to have consideration for others.

    So there need not be any official rules, signboards, etc. in public places or facilities specifically banning certain behaviours (and there'd be no end to it and the numerous varieties of behaviour to ban). "Proper" society knew what or what not to do. Those that violate these unwritten rules were mainly in the minority, delinquents, hooligans etc. with no proper upbringing and no guidance. Just a minority.

    Fast forward to today, the minority has grown - and includes not just delinquents and hooligans, but ordinary people with well-adjusted lives just like majority of us, who will unfortunately just go out and do what they want, so long as it's not specifically prohibited by regulation. Even plain common sense or consideration for others does not stop them!

    This is happening even in our schools, where teachers are also at a loss how to stop anti-social behaviours which do not outright breach discipline - and therefore, not covered by rules.

    As for the case highlighted about the airplane passenger, I think common sense also applies in not antagonising stewardess or any other sort of food service staff - becos they can jolly well take revenge through your food/beverage [laugh]

    Edited by Sosaria, 06 June 2016 - 11:20 AM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:26 AM

    Besides shaming that unrepentant POS, I think we should be thankful for those who work as cleaners and�janitors who strive to make our environment�more pleasant, albeit usually at a pittance. Honestly, nobody�ever wants to grow up as cleaners when they were once young.�

    Sometimes, when I�dine at�parkway parade foodcourt, I will buy a few more tutu kueh to treat the cleaners.�These are little things we can do at our own insignificant level to�make the world a better place. �

    Just goes to show there are a lot of mentally ill people around these days, without being diagnosed.

    Their prime means of communication is by shouting.

    Few weeks ago, was waiting with my son at the kids' shower area of a public pool, waiting for empty showers, and there's this one lady I saw (or heard, first), shouting/scolding at the daughter, then the son, and also the maid� [confused]

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:37 AM

    Just goes to show there are a lot of mentally ill people around these days, without being diagnosed.

    Their prime means of communication is by shouting.

    Few weeks ago, was waiting with my son at the kids' shower area of a public pool, waiting for empty showers, and there's this one lady I saw (or heard, first), shouting/scolding at the daughter, then the son, and also the maid� [confused]

    it become a form of communication among the family members in many families.�

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:38 AM

    BTW, I guess most of us already notice majority of� them belongs either to our parent or grandparents generations.

    The very people who now some label them as "Chinese heli*", a relatively unknown derogatory term� until some one decided to include it as part of their singlish terminology.

    We cannot practice one standard of respect while ignoring another.

    There is another English word for that : Hypocrisy.


    you shd learn not to bring unrelated issues in to OTHER threads. �You have that damn habit and know where the boundaries lie, yet you ignore an think you know it all!

    That said, you have a serious issue on this heli** issue and you need to reposition yourself if you really are offended. �It is just sth created and you have the damn CHOICE not to feel offended.

    learn how to manage your own self before trying to influence others and STFU if you really have nothing much to add, else you get your being here invalidated! �

    There have been enough nonsense from you in many encounters with others here to warrant this. �TUVM!

  • 06 June 2016 - 11:53 AM

    Besides shaming that unrepentant POS, I think we should be thankful for those who work as cleaners and�janitors who strive to make our environment�more pleasant, albeit usually at a pittance. Honestly, nobody�ever wants to grow up as cleaners when they were once young.�

    Sometimes, when I�dine at�parkway parade foodcourt, I will buy a few more tutu kueh to treat the cleaners.�These are little things we can do at our own insignificant level to�make the world a better place. �

    most times, a simple thank you will suffice. I always do that to the drinks runner, table clearer etc�

  • 06 June 2016 - 12:04 PM

    There is also no rule for his neighbour fellow passenger barring him/her from putting their stinking bare feet on top of his thick skull too.

    Just saying. [laugh]

    Passengers and cabin crews are equally very stressful too � :a-confused:

    Man rests feet on plane wall -- then asks 'why' when stewardess tells him not to do so
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�323 views|�1 comments
    feetmain.jpgPHOTO: Facebook

    A passenger on a flight from Manila to Singapore at 3pm yesterday (June 5) saw a man rest his feet high up on a wall in the cabin of the plane.

    The passenger posted a photo of the incident on Facebook and detailed the incident.�Stomper�R�also alerted us to her post.

    When contacted by�Stomp, the Facebook user said that the man put his feet up before the plane took off.

    "He continued doing so after take-off, so the stewardess politely told him to put his feet down," said the Facebook user.

    But the man refused to do so, and asked the stewardess why.

    When asked if anyone else spoke to the man, the Facebook user said:

    "No. I guess it came across as an incident that was normal? Or that it would probably fall on deaf ears as everyone has their free will and I don't think airplanes has a particular rule on putting their feet up like that.

    "I'm not trying to call that guy out in particular for people to look for him but I just hope to create some awareness about appropriate behaviour in public as we have to respect the people around us."

    Edited by Vratenza, 06 June 2016 - 12:04 PM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 12:06 PM

    definitely bro

    as i mentioned to my pals recently. I feel more compelled to buy them a drink/meal and are more appreciative of their work as i get older....really

    Taken from the Yahoo article you posted.

    I have a personal yardstick to judge characters. I observe how a person treat service staff like waiters, cleaners and porters. Do they bother to even say thank you or return a smile after the service? What is the tone like when speaking to these service staff?
    I find this a very accurate judge of character. More often than not, a person who treat service staff in a shitty manner or treat them as invisible are usually horrible people.
    Those who bother to return a smile, chat with and remember the name of the cleaning lady who wipe your table everyday at the office, those are the good guys.
  • 06 June 2016 - 12:10 PM

    Taken from the Yahoo article you posted.

    I have a personal yardstick to judge characters. I observe how a person treat service staff like waiters, cleaners and porters. Do they bother to even say thank you or return a smile after the service? What is the tone like when speaking to these service staff?
    I find this a very accurate judge of character. More often than not, a person who treat service staff in a shitty manner or treat them as invisible are usually horrible people.
    Those who bother to return a smile, chat with and remember the name of the cleaning lady who wipe your table everyday at the office, those are the good guys.

    This is quite a good gauge.

    When I was dating my girlfriends in the past. I use this as a guide too.

    Very very accurate gauge of a person's character.

  • 06 June 2016 - 12:17 PM
    Cina mam. Enough said.
  • 06 June 2016 - 12:36 PM

    This is quite a good gauge.

    When I was dating my girlfriends in the past. I use this as a guide too.

    Very very accurate gauge of a person's character.

    Tell me bout it hahahahaha... The worst are those gcp treat wait staff macham peasants... I also worry my food inside got added goodies
  • 06 June 2016 - 12:46 PM

    Tell me bout it hahahahaha... The worst are those gcp treat wait staff macham peasants... I also worry my food inside got added goodies

    Imagine dating a sweet young thing that smiles and act demure in front of you but snaps at a waitress for not serving food from the right side..............

    Young men out there. You have been warned.

  • 06 June 2016 - 03:42 PM

    Taken from the Yahoo article you posted.

    I have a personal yardstick to judge characters. I observe how a person treat service staff like waiters, cleaners and porters. Do they bother to even say thank you or return a smile after the service? What is the tone like when speaking to these service staff?
    I find this a very accurate judge of character. More often than not, a person who treat service staff in a shitty manner or treat them as invisible are usually horrible people.
    Those who bother to return a smile, chat with and remember the name of the cleaning lady who wipe your table everyday at the office, those are the good guys.

    True. But doesn't work for some. I dated a girl who was sometimes nice and sometimes nasty to service staff. Didn't understand why also.

    I am praying very hard the good guy is not MCF Darryn:beaten:

    Man steps up to stop guy who was hitting girl at West Coast Hawker Centre -- only for victim to yell vulgarities at him
    Posted on 6 June 2016|�30 views|�0 comments

    Stomper�TSN�was incensed to see a girl, who was being scolded and beaten by a guy�at West Coast Hawker Centre at 5pm, scold a man who tried to help her.

    The Stomper was�at the hawker centre yesterday (June 6) at 5pm�when he saw the guy scolding the girl.

    TSN also said he hit the girl, which prompted a Caucasian man, who was there with his kids, to step in. He�told the guy that he should not be hitting a woman.

    However, the girl responded to this by scolding the man who stepped up to defend, according to the Stomper.

    "She said he was nosey and even used vulgarities on him," said TSN.

    "She even told him to go back to his country.

    "This couple really is a disgrace to Singapore."

    Maybe cuz she suddenly realised that allowing this to happen in public is embarrassing, so she quickly turned around and made it seem like she doesn't mind it and its normal.

  • 06 June 2016 - 03:48 PM

    True. But doesn't work for some. I dated a girl who was sometimes nice and sometimes nasty to service staff. Didn't understand why also.

    Maybe bipolar... [sweatdrop]

  • 06 June 2016 - 03:54 PM

    True. But doesn't work for some. I dated a girl who was sometimes nice and sometimes nasty to service staff. Didn't understand why also.

    Maybe cuz she suddenly realised that allowing this to happen in public is embarrassing, so she quickly turned around and made it seem like she doesn't mind it and its normal.

    PMS Lor.
  • 06 June 2016 - 03:57 PM

    meaning...inferiors like me cannot get/would never be considered for a date�


  • 06 June 2016 - 04:10 PM

    meaning...inferiors like me cannot get/would never be considered for a date�


    i'm sure that there are other more inferior women that will date you.


    now up to you whether you wanna date miss piggy


    Edited by Little_prince, 06 June 2016 - 04:11 PM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 04:11 PM

    meaning...inferiors like me cannot get/would never be considered for a date


    dont bluff. we just went niteclub on sat
  • 06 June 2016 - 06:08 PM

    Power dah

    Good la. Want to sue, now all skeletons come out

    Another yang yin case in making. Hoot them I say

    Like Durai and Kong Hee?

    Make sure you are clean first

    Maybe they also never finish Preambree Tree like you too� [scholar]��(you say yourself one� [:p] )��

  • 06 June 2016 - 06:27 PM
    Reminds me of jack neo scandal too.

    Suddenly the skeleton all come out of the closet.

    Even the ah qua said heshe had sex with jack neo.[laugh]
  • 06 June 2016 - 06:58 PM

    stockholm syndrome? lol

    Actually is known as battered woman syndrome and has successfully been used as a defense in murder cases.�

    And for those that were wondering� [wave][wave]

    It weren't me ----�

    I am much shorter

  • 06 June 2016 - 07:19 PM

    Actually is known as battered woman syndrome and has successfully been used as a defense in murder cases.

    And for those that were wondering [wave] [wave]

    It weren't me ----
    I am much shorter

    Eh no need tell us dick length plsssss

    Spare details ... Lol
  • 06 June 2016 - 07:24 PM

    More and more sai of the bui sai couple being revealed.

    Property agents allegedly had bad experiences with Alice Fong and her husband.


    Edited by Jellandross, 06 June 2016 - 07:27 PM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 07:26 PM
  • 06 June 2016 - 07:30 PM


  • 06 June 2016 - 07:55 PM

    Now we know.. it was always about the FOOD!!!

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:26 PM
    Uncle wanna quit liao
    The cleaner, who gave his name only as Mr Png, told The Straits Times on Monday (June 6) that he wanted to leave because of the incident.
  • 06 June 2016 - 08:38 PM

    This is a classic example of the guys successfully manipulating and dominating the girl into submission physically, emotionally and psychologically.

    Abuse in its highest form. The girl is most probably already destroyed and living like a train wreck with his abusive guy.

    Like those stories of human trafficking.

    Young girls force go work because they are lied by agents to be working in office but eventually have to work in brothels.

    The other example is the :Stockholm syndrome from Wikipedia -
    Where the victim began to express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with the captors.
  • 06 June 2016 - 08:51 PM

    Uncle wanna quit liao
    The cleaner, who gave his name only as Mr Png, told The Straits Times on Monday (June 6) that he wanted to leave because of the incident.

    Hope his manager can persuade him to get over the incident and continue to work happily.

    Edited by 2BDriver, 06 June 2016 - 09:02 PM.

  • 06 June 2016 - 08:55 PM

    More and more sai of the bui sai couple being revealed.

    Property agents allegedly had bad experiences with Alice Fong and her husband.

    S h i t I couldn't stop laughing at "bui sai"
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