Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017

SG very stressful! part 38

  • 17 July 2016 - 08:10 AM

    Wah... did not know vietnam also very in-sync with Singapore's colloqial slang " squeeze balls"

    My idol squeezing nuts during training for Drunken Fist..... :D


    Vietnam stressful
    Vietnam man dies after wife squeezes his testicles for five minutes

  • 17 July 2016 - 10:20 AM

    Vietnam stressful
    Vietnam man dies after wife squeezes his testicles for five minutes

    I have a few stress balls... Time for de-stress by squeezing :D
  • 17 July 2016 - 10:22 AM

    I have a few stress balls... Time for de-stress by squeezing :D

    come....wanna play soccer? Can destress by using your balls for training..
  • 19 July 2016 - 06:59 AM

    This white old man has achieve the highest level. No one can squeeze his balls.

    Please use gloves if one wants to squeeze his balls plus wash hands�with Detto cos�gloves might be broken...... :yuush:

    Don't know how many kind STDs waiting for transfer .... :sick:


  • 19 July 2016 - 07:23 AM


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 4:54pm


    I need to report a very vicious incident of racism I encountered today because it is so unlike anything I have experienced living in Singapore.

    I went for lunch today at a new Japanese tempura restaurant that I saw on Daniel Food Diary. (I love that blog!) I arrived about 20 minutes early and was the first person in the queue. Soon, 8 or 10 others joined me. A few minutes before the restaurant opened, a man and a woman arrived together and cut in front of everyone queueing. I kindly informed the gentleman that there was quite a long queue already. He said, "So? How the hell was I supposed to know that?" I said, "Well, sir, you could look behind you and see all of us standing here waiting."

    That's when things got nasty.


    He started on a vicious, racist diatribe. He said, "Why are you even here, Ang Mo? You should go back to your country! Or maybe you're too stupid to get a job where you're from? You're probably not even working here. Maybe go rob a bank?"

    I said, "Excuse me?"

    Then his female companion joined in. She said, "Yeah, look at his dirty, cheap clothes. Get a job, Ang Mo! Or yeah - go rob a bank. You look like you need money."

    Wow. Yes, I am Ang Mo. From the States, and very happily living here in Singapore for over 2 years. I've never encountered such nasty, vicious people. I also happen to speak fluent Japanese, so when I sat down, I asked to speak to the Japanese manager and chef. I told them what happened in Japanese. Their staff later confirmed my story. I said, "Imagine if they told you to go back to Japan." They were very apologetic. I told them it's not them who needs to apologize.

    In the end, the restaurant allowed us all 3 to stay, but the chef let me eat for free. His way of apologizing for the extremely vicious behavior of the local man and woman.

    Afterwards, the man actually chased me out of the restaurant with his camera on. He said, "Hey, Ang Mo! Let's make you famous! Smile for the camera! And let's see if you can find a job here after I'm done with you."


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 10:25pm


    Dear ASS, I hope you can help me clarify on my behalf to this incident.

    I am the person in the picture accused of being a racist. I regret and apologise that I should not show the finger. There's always two sides to the story.

    When I arrived at the restaurant, it was empty and not opened yet. There were four other gentlemen together with this Mr T milling around. No queue in sight. I went up to the waitress and indicated table for two. She informed me that it will be opened in five minutes time.

    Then the man Mr T told me the queue starts with him. I said "oh is it." Because there really was no queue in sight. Seven people milling around in front of an empty restaurant including both of us. And before I have the chance to say anything further, he went into his tirade. "You Singaporeans are all a**holes. You think that you are entitled to everything. " (His exact quote which he did not mention).


    I was obviously shocked and when I questioned why he is so rude, he went further to say "a**holes are all the same." I was shocked beyond belief and my only response was to ask him what he's doing in Singapore if we are all a**holes?

    When he kept on and on and the only way to shut him up was to show him the finger which I know in hindsight I shouldn't.

    But truth be told, it's not in my nature or Singaporeans to cut queue and how many of you would like to have been called a**holes over something as trivial as mistaking where the queue is when there's no queue in the first place and there were only seven diners including us.

    I let you be the judge because anyone will react very strongly too when some one says all "Singaporeans are a**holes". I am sure he did not mention this. Just like he did not mentioned he showed me the finger too. Please see the pictures.

    Yes, I was given a complimentary meal too because I also complained to the manager what an abusive person he is. Honestly, I am utterly shocked how abusive and aggressive Mr T can be over something so trivial.

    I hope to let this matter rest. It's so trivial and I hope you can help me tell my side of the story because I am not a racist. I am a true Singaporean living in a multi racial society.

    lai lai...Vratenza you be judge...hahhaha

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:30 AM
  • 19 July 2016 - 07:33 AM

    No leh... in fact, I did not make it pass GEP selection test... lost my 1st GF to another skool when she was transferred after prembaree tree selection..... [bigcry]

    U are so creative and imaginative

    Artistic [thumbsup]��

    Must be GEP [scholar]

    Edited by Vratenza, 19 July 2016 - 07:33 AM.

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:33 AM

    No leh... in fact, I did not make it pass GEP selection test... lost my 1st GF to another skool when she was transferred after prembaree tree selection..... [bigcry]

    More hansum in person siboh?

    Let everyone be the judge here ok...... :grin:

    but you straight thru si bo? not thru Porker kind hor....kekkeke

    de cat

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:34 AM

    i say mind our own business la.

    we not all pay full cash like T2 you know?

    why sinkies like to kaypoh one � [:p]

    esp when there is accident on the road.� [:p]

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:34 AM

    No leh... in fact, I did not make it pass GEP selection test... lost my 1st GF to another skool when she was transferred after prembaree tree selection..... [bigcry]

    eh, you oso prembaree tree.....BanCoe now have 2 ppl to kacau :grin::grin:

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:34 AM

    More hansum siboh?� [cool]

    Okay lah... let everyone here be the judge okay? :D

    This Vratenza turd burglar looks nothing like his online persona� :a-fun:

    Attached Thumbnails

    • captADarwin.jpg

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:36 AM

    More hansum siboh?� [cool]

    Okay lah... let everyone here be the judge okay? :D

    how cum stomach so big like Spring wan?� :XD::XD:

  • 19 July 2016 - 07:58 AM


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 4:54pm


    I need to report a very vicious incident of racism I encountered today because it is so unlike anything I have experienced living in Singapore.
    I went for lunch today at a new Japanese tempura restaurant that I saw on Daniel Food Diary. (I love that blog!) I arrived about 20 minutes early and was the first person in the queue. Soon, 8 or 10 others joined me. A few minutes before the restaurant opened, a man and a woman arrived together and cut in front of everyone queueing. I kindly informed the gentleman that there was quite a long queue already. He said, "So? How the hell was I supposed to know that?" I said, "Well, sir, you could look behind you and see all of us standing here waiting."
    That's when things got nasty.


    He started on a vicious, racist diatribe. He said, "Why are you even here, Ang Mo? You should go back to your country! Or maybe you're too stupid to get a job where you're from? You're probably not even working here. Maybe go rob a bank?"
    I said, "Excuse me?"
    Then his female companion joined in. She said, "Yeah, look at his dirty, cheap clothes. Get a job, Ang Mo! Or yeah - go rob a bank. You look like you need money."
    Wow. Yes, I am Ang Mo. From the States, and very happily living here in Singapore for over 2 years. I've never encountered such nasty, vicious people. I also happen to speak fluent Japanese, so when I sat down, I asked to speak to the Japanese manager and chef. I told them what happened in Japanese. Their staff later confirmed my story. I said, "Imagine if they told you to go back to Japan." They were very apologetic. I told them it's not them who needs to apologize.
    In the end, the restaurant allowed us all 3 to stay, but the chef let me eat for free. His way of apologizing for the extremely vicious behavior of the local man and woman.
    Afterwards, the man actually chased me out of the restaurant with his camera on. He said, "Hey, Ang Mo! Let's make you famous! Smile for the camera! And let's see if you can find a job here after I'm done with you."


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 10:25pm


    Dear ASS, I hope you can help me clarify on my behalf to this incident.
    I am the person in the picture accused of being a racist. I regret and apologise that I should not show the finger. There's always two sides to the story.
    When I arrived at the restaurant, it was empty and not opened yet. There were four other gentlemen together with this Mr T milling around. No queue in sight. I went up to the waitress and indicated table for two. She informed me that it will be opened in five minutes time.
    Then the man Mr T told me the queue starts with him. I said "oh is it." Because there really was no queue in sight. Seven people milling around in front of an empty restaurant including both of us. And before I have the chance to say anything further, he went into his tirade. "You Singaporeans are all a**holes. You think that you are entitled to everything. " (His exact quote which he did not mention).


    I was obviously shocked and when I questioned why he is so rude, he went further to say "a**holes are all the same." I was shocked beyond belief and my only response was to ask him what he's doing in Singapore if we are all a**holes?
    When he kept on and on and the only way to shut him up was to show him the finger which I know in hindsight I shouldn't.
    But truth be told, it's not in my nature or Singaporeans to cut queue and how many of you would like to have been called a**holes over something as trivial as mistaking where the queue is when there's no queue in the first place and there were only seven diners including us.
    I let you be the judge because anyone will react very strongly too when some one says all "Singaporeans are a**holes". I am sure he did not mention this. Just like he did not mentioned he showed me the finger too. Please see the pictures.
    Yes, I was given a complimentary meal too because I also complained to the manager what an abusive person he is. Honestly, I am utterly shocked how abusive and aggressive Mr T can be over something so trivial.
    I hope to let this matter rest. It's so trivial and I hope you can help me tell my side of the story because I am not a racist. I am a true Singaporean living in a multi racial society.

    lai lai...Vratenza you be judge...hahhaha

    Maybe ask them to come out again and re-act the whole episode?! :D
    Really trivial but if it's insulting , then that's another matter altogether....
    Just don't insult my family, I can still let it pass ...

    Anyway, both parties are stressful ... Give both men a tiger beer (and some peanuts) to de-stress :D
  • 19 July 2016 - 08:00 AM

    Singapore boys are snitches....
    My dotter and skewl friends go out of school to nearby supermarket between cases and CCA.
    teacher sees some...The rest scatter.
    Teacher announces to class he wants list of names.
    Some ?boys. ..that weren't even court red handed voluntarily turn themselves in and rat out rest of class.
    Wonder if I will get a call from skewl tomolow.
    Damn no loyalty ball-less cowardly wonders....

    who ask you to send her to elite school. Those skool usually got many backstabbers.....thats how the elite are trained!
  • 19 July 2016 - 08:04 AM

    Maybe ask them to come out again and re-act the whole episode?! :D

    re-enact before or after the incident,on the bed part most interesting. :mellow:

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:06 AM


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 4:54pm


    I need to report a very vicious incident of racism I encountered today because it is so unlike anything I have experienced living in Singapore.
    I went for lunch today at a new Japanese tempura restaurant that I saw on Daniel Food Diary. (I love that blog!) I arrived about 20 minutes early and was the first person in the queue. Soon, 8 or 10 others joined me. A few minutes before the restaurant opened, a man and a woman arrived together and cut in front of everyone queueing. I kindly informed the gentleman that there was quite a long queue already. He said, "So? How the hell was I supposed to know that?" I said, "Well, sir, you could look behind you and see all of us standing here waiting."
    That's when things got nasty.


    He started on a vicious, racist diatribe. He said, "Why are you even here, Ang Mo? You should go back to your country! Or maybe you're too stupid to get a job where you're from? You're probably not even working here. Maybe go rob a bank?"
    I said, "Excuse me?"
    Then his female companion joined in. She said, "Yeah, look at his dirty, cheap clothes. Get a job, Ang Mo! Or yeah - go rob a bank. You look like you need money."
    Wow. Yes, I am Ang Mo. From the States, and very happily living here in Singapore for over 2 years. I've never encountered such nasty, vicious people. I also happen to speak fluent Japanese, so when I sat down, I asked to speak to the Japanese manager and chef. I told them what happened in Japanese. Their staff later confirmed my story. I said, "Imagine if they told you to go back to Japan." They were very apologetic. I told them it's not them who needs to apologize.
    In the end, the restaurant allowed us all 3 to stay, but the chef let me eat for free. His way of apologizing for the extremely vicious behavior of the local man and woman.
    Afterwards, the man actually chased me out of the restaurant with his camera on. He said, "Hey, Ang Mo! Let's make you famous! Smile for the camera! And let's see if you can find a job here after I'm done with you."


    Mon, 18/07/2016 - 10:25pm


    Dear ASS, I hope you can help me clarify on my behalf to this incident.
    I am the person in the picture accused of being a racist. I regret and apologise that I should not show the finger. There's always two sides to the story.
    When I arrived at the restaurant, it was empty and not opened yet. There were four other gentlemen together with this Mr T milling around. No queue in sight. I went up to the waitress and indicated table for two. She informed me that it will be opened in five minutes time.
    Then the man Mr T told me the queue starts with him. I said "oh is it." Because there really was no queue in sight. Seven people milling around in front of an empty restaurant including both of us. And before I have the chance to say anything further, he went into his tirade. "You Singaporeans are all a**holes. You think that you are entitled to everything. " (His exact quote which he did not mention).


    I was obviously shocked and when I questioned why he is so rude, he went further to say "a**holes are all the same." I was shocked beyond belief and my only response was to ask him what he's doing in Singapore if we are all a**holes?
    When he kept on and on and the only way to shut him up was to show him the finger which I know in hindsight I shouldn't.
    But truth be told, it's not in my nature or Singaporeans to cut queue and how many of you would like to have been called a**holes over something as trivial as mistaking where the queue is when there's no queue in the first place and there were only seven diners including us.
    I let you be the judge because anyone will react very strongly too when some one says all "Singaporeans are a**holes". I am sure he did not mention this. Just like he did not mentioned he showed me the finger too. Please see the pictures.
    Yes, I was given a complimentary meal too because I also complained to the manager what an abusive person he is. Honestly, I am utterly shocked how abusive and aggressive Mr T can be over something so trivial.
    I hope to let this matter rest. It's so trivial and I hope you can help me tell my side of the story because I am not a racist. I am a true Singaporean living in a multi racial society.

    lai lai...Vratenza you be judge...hahhaha

    this are the very kind of foreigners and Singaporean that gives each other a bad name. Theres always 2 sides to a coin and both are from the smallest denomination!
  • 19 July 2016 - 08:26 AM

    The Judge has spoken......... :D

    Attached Thumbnails

    • SinkievsAMDK.jpg

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:29 AM

    The Judge has spoken......... :D


    Good mollng bro

    Eh sinkie give 2 finger

    He shd win by a phalangeal edge

    The Judge has spoken......... :D


    He shd win by a phalangeal edge at least 1 phalanx
    If I der I consperm win w the 10 footer

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:30 AM

    You din see AMDK gave the robber an extra 3" length meh?


    Mockngbrd would have agreed.... [:p]


    Good mollng bro

    Eh sinkie give 2 finger

    He shd win by a phalangeal edge

    He shd win by a phalangeal edge at least 1 phalanx
    If I der I consperm win w the 10 footer


  • 19 July 2016 - 08:31 AM

    Rape drunk party goers also stressful ......

    It's his small head that's cause his downfall thinking easy target ... . :lll._.:

    Yahoo : Singaporean who raped drunk partygoer found guilty

    The former lifeguard who raped a partygoer at Sentosa in May 2012, was found guilty on one count of rape and another count of sexual assault by penetration.

    Twenty-six year-old Pram Nair, who claimed trial to his offences, was found guilty by Justice Woo Bih Li at the High Court on Monday (18 July).

    The 20-year-old victim met Nair at a beach party she was attending with a friend at the Wave House in Sentosa on 5 May 2012, court papers revealed.

    Both the victim and her friend, who could not be identified due to a court order, were drinking at the bar. In a drinking game, court papers revealed that Nair had poured liquor directly into the victim�s mouth, causing her to eventually black out.

    He then brought the woman to Siloso Beach where he proceeded to rape and sexually assault her.

    The victim, who regained some consciousness during the assault, had attempted to push Nair away but was unable to do so due to her weak condition from having too much to drink.

    Two passers-by who happened to be at the beach during the incident, saw Nair on top of the woman and rang for police assistance.

    Police officers who arrived at the scene found the woman motionless and foaming at the mouth.

    Nair was arrested based on a description provided by the victim�s friend.

    A sample of the woman�s blood taken at the hospital was found to contain 159 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood, about 80 mg above the legal limit.

    Nair was emotionless when Justice Woo found him to be guilty.

    His counsel, Peter Ong, will be filing written submissions on 1 August. Nair�s sentencing will be scheduled for a later date.

    In Singapore, rape and sexual assault each carry up to 20 years� jail and caning or a fine.

    link :

    When in urge, never let the 'small' head do the thinking. :yuush:

    Just go Geylang and pay�... :relief:

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:36 AM

    so next time can show 3 fingers? more powderful ... [laugh]


    Edited by Wt_know, 19 July 2016 - 08:37 AM.

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:43 AM


    Good mollng bro

    Eh sinkie give 2 finger

    He shd win by a phalangeal edge

    He shd win by a phalangeal edge at least 1 phalanx
    If I der I consperm win w the 10 footer


    2 fingers poke 2 holes. 1 finger no matter how long only poke 1 hole. -_-

  • 19 July 2016 - 08:46 AM

    2 fingers poke 2 holes. 1 finger no matter how long only poke 1 hole. -_-

    Woooooo u sound sexperienced

    Double pleasure si bo
  • 19 July 2016 - 08:49 AM

    No leh... in fact, I did not make it pass GEP selection test... lost my 1st GF to another skool when she was transferred after prembaree tree selection..... [bigcry]

    U grew up fast huh

    1st gf in premetree [:p]
  • 19 July 2016 - 08:55 AM

    U grew up fast huh

    1st gf in premetree [:p]

    Lose la

    Mine in kindergarten Hv.. Dorothy
  • 19 July 2016 - 09:28 AM

    it is called underage pedofile. :D

    Just like lesbian trapped in man's body

    All boys school infatuation with each other lah.... :D

    Correct you are ... boys skool got infatuation.... we do man games.... take it out on each others ... whack each others out with "hantam bola", any small tennis ball was just fine and easy to pack in the bag for recess ��

  • 19 July 2016 - 09:29 AM

    You especially really tickle my mammary.... I mean memory

    Waiting Vratenza w relevant meme haaaaa

    Sometime kind of miss them.
  • 19 July 2016 - 10:12 AM

    Becoz u r the sentimental type [:p]

    Just like uncle radx

    Plus hor, i m amazed, both of u have superb memory

    I have poor memory leh, but I can remember all the details of my relationships. Really not sure why.

    Maybe unker RadX can explain from a scientific angle. [laugh][laugh]

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:14 AM


    Weez911 infront of RadX..... :D

    Becoz u r the sentimental type [:p]

    Just like uncle RadX

    Plus hor, i m amazed, both of u have superb memory

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:16 AM

    This is what happened with 2 low class people meet each other.

    Both are equally bad and deserve each other.

    But the most stupid thing is they advertise to the world how silly they are.

    They should be friends as they have so much in common.

    Cannot talk politely, think the world revolves around them,

    both also so rude and arrogant, both also got no hair,

    both also keyboard warriors and both also cowards.

    Now I don't believe in violence but if they did in any other

    country than here, someone will have a broken nose.

    So two peas in a pod they should go for a tiger together

    and share all the things they have in common. They are

    really like twins.


    Siang Kar Pager
    boh eh leh

    on a serious note:

    Once queue at a cashier and an elderly lady asked if I can let her pay first. Without hesitation I said OK without thinking. Then someone at the back of the queue complain and made so much noise including saying should ask the rest permission also. I really don't know what to do. I then leave the queue and join another line.

    Later I learn the elderly lady from another cashier that she "got something wrong" always come to the supermarket to disturb like cut queue.

    My lesson: in any situation, just do the right thing but don't get killed for it ..... not worth it
  • 19 July 2016 - 10:17 AM

    Weez911 infront of RadX..... :D

    Heng ah, not Porker standing�behind [laugh][laugh]

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:22 AM

    Siang Kar Pager
    boh eh leh

    on a serious note:

    Once queue at a cashier and an elderly lady asked if I can let her pay first. Without hesitation I said OK without thinking. Then someone at the back of the queue complain and made so much noise including saying should ask the rest permission also. I really don't know what to do. I then leave the queue and join another line.

    Later I learn the elderly lady from another cashier that she "got something wrong" always come to the supermarket to disturb like cut queue.

    My lesson: in any situation, just do the right thing but don't get killed for it ..... not worth it

    So the right thing is to let her pay first or not?

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:23 AM

    So the right thing is to let her pay first or not?

    I would

    Then walk out of queue

    To those ccb shout really Hv issues w tolerance
  • 19 July 2016 - 10:26 AM

    I would

    Then walk out of queue

    To those ccb shout really Hv issues w tolerance


    For me, if she is paying for 1 or 2 items then it's ok. But if it's one whole trolley, I do think it's not fair to those queuing behind.

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:26 AM

    stress at work? now more places are open up for lunch time nap.

    GV only charge $12 including lunch..


  • 19 July 2016 - 10:28 AM

    [thumbsup] [thumbsup]

    For me, if she is paying for 1 or 2 items then it's ok. But if it's one whole trolley, I do think it's not fair to those queuing behind.

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:31 AM

    So the right thing is to let her pay first or not?

    Yes I would let her pay first and ask her

    at the same time can she help pay for me

    too so both of us can save time.


  • 19 July 2016 - 10:31 AM

    GV only charge $12 including lunch..


    where got include lunch?? if the intention is to take nap, eat liao where got time to nap?

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:33 AM

    Yes I would let her pay first and ask her

    at the same time can she help pay for me

    too so both of us can save time.


    Hmmmm potential Yang Yin spotted

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:34 AM

    Heng ah, not Porker standing�behind [laugh][laugh]

    Yes that sounds like a real pain in the ass.


  • 19 July 2016 - 10:38 AM

    where got include lunch?? if the intention is to take nap, eat liao where got time to nap?

    It says got meal leh.. can eat 30min nap 60min..

    For $12, they can have a 90-minute nap on a signature GV Suntec City Gold Class recliner, a meal from the Gold Class menu and a sleep mask, along with discount vouchers.

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:39 AM


    Weez911 infront of RadX..... :D

    but hor... the elephant behind is clearly a char bor.... � u know something we dont?� :XD:

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:41 AM

    where got include lunch?? if the intention is to take nap, eat liao where got time to nap?

    Got include lunch la.

    Edited by Fcw75, 19 July 2016 - 10:43 AM.

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:41 AM

    now that you let it out of the bag.....from now on, they need to prebook 1 month in advance liao....� :D

    It says got meal leh.. can eat 30min nap 60min..

    For $12, they can have a 90-minute nap on a signature GV Suntec City Gold Class recliner, a meal from the Gold Class menu and a sleep mask, along with discount vouchers.

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:45 AM

    Hmmmm potential Yang Yin spotted


    Like these 2 Yin Yang.


    Attached Thumbnails

    • 3.jpg

  • 19 July 2016 - 10:46 AM


    fIt says got meal leh.. can eat 30min nap 60min..

    For $12, they can have a 90-minute nap on a signature GV Suntec City Gold Class recliner, a meal from the Gold Class menu and a sleep mask, along with discount vouchers.

    Got include lunch la.

    Presbyopia is it? [laugh]

    hahahaha.... missed that part, i know the gold class meal minimum $10 liao so basically they just want people to occupy the cinema � [sweatdrop]��

  • 19 July 2016 - 11:52 AM

    Read this thread also very stressful.� Morning morning already so many pages.

    When ppl point finger at me, i usually give them a ring to penetrate.

  • 19 July 2016 - 12:15 PM

    In the end both Singaporean and amdk are winners and get free meal. The real loser is the japanese restaurant that gave away 4 meals which is not even their business anyway.
    In the end both Singaporean and amdk are winners and get free meal. The real loser is the japanese restaurant that gave away 4 meals which is not even their business anyway.

    Yup, you don't need to say it
  • 19 July 2016 - 12:42 PM

    Actually the real winners are the restaurant they got free publicity.

    And if someone CSI them and these two are really the owners of

    the restaurant I salute them as marketing geniuses. And maybe

    that's why they got the "free" meal. There is no such thing as bad

    publicity only free publicity.


    So, all win win ... the only losers are us... cos we are pondering who is right and wrong :D

  • 19 July 2016 - 01:24 PM

    In the end both Singaporean and amdk are winners and get free meal. The real loser is the japanese restaurant that gave away 4 meals which is not even their business anyway.
    In the end both Singaporean and amdk are winners and get free meal. The real loser is the japanese restaurant that gave away 4 meals which is not even their business anyway.

    U are wrong... This is pre publicity... They don't need to spend money also everyone know this resturant liao what is 4 free meal compare to the publicity generated. This is a 4 win situation... Last win is stomp.
  • 19 July 2016 - 01:26 PM

    U are wrong... This is pre publicity... They don't need to spend money also everyone know this resturant liao what is 4 free meal compare to the publicity generated. This is a 4 win situation... Last win is stomp.

    i think they post in ASS not stomp.
  • 19 July 2016 - 01:29 PM
    Good that locals are standing up for what they believe in.
  • 19 July 2016 - 01:30 PM

    Good that locals are standing up for what they believe in.

    you so bad, you mean they believe in cutting queue [laugh] [laugh]
  • 19 July 2016 - 01:59 PM
    Moral of the story, if pple take vid of u, better take vid of the fellow too, in case tio flame, got chance to give ur side of the story [laugh]
  • 19 July 2016 - 02:01 PM

    U are wrong... This is pre publicity... They don't need to spend money also everyone know this resturant liao what is 4 free meal compare to the publicity generated. This is a 4 win situation... Last win is stomp.

    You know the name and location of the restaurant from the two low class letter?

  • 19 July 2016 - 02:04 PM

    you so bad, you mean they believe in cutting queue [laugh] [laugh]

    cut queue or not . i not there cannot comment much but takes balls to stand up and let others post pictures of you giving them the fingers
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