Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2017

SG very stressful! part 45

  • 04 August 2016 - 08:00 AM

    This one is WOW stressful [sweatdrop] lucky no pedestrians hurt [thumbsup] hope the driver will be ok too..
    Man and girl inches away from being run over by driver who crashed into sheltered walkway at CCK St 52


    The guy and the young gal sure�are lucky :)

    The guy can go buy toto liao :D

    The driver will be stressful liao ... got to pay the damages and maybe face police investigation ...

  • 04 August 2016 - 08:49 AM

    U ho sey bo??

    Sorry lah bro, was trying to post something here. New bird lah!

    Anyway, just wanna say that the accident occured outside De La Salle school gate.
    Thank God it was on a Sunday.

    Usually, the location will be packed with school children and parents waiting for their kids....
  • 04 August 2016 - 09:18 AM

    This one is WOW stressful [sweatdrop] lucky no pedestrians hurt [thumbsup] hope the driver will be ok too..
    Man and girl inches away from being run over by driver who crashed into sheltered walkway at CCK St 52


    lucky no pedestrians hurt -� [thumbsup]

    hope the driver will be ok too - I dont give a frying fugg� :a-no:

    cos pure reckless and dangerous driving.� [thumbsdown]

  • 04 August 2016 - 10:04 AM


  • 04 August 2016 - 10:24 AM


    U don ........ :grin:
  • 04 August 2016 - 10:29 AM

    Damn Artistic - now see which one fella go n STOMP??


  • 04 August 2016 - 11:30 AM


    I appreciate the artistic nature ... however, I won't drink :D

    In the long run, don't think the coffee will sell ... :D

    Maybe they should try something else, like Merlion to celebrate NDP, or Santa to celebration Christmas, etc :)

  • 05 August 2016 - 08:51 AM
    Molester's lawyer 'acted indecently' during trial

    A district judge had harsh words for a lawyer who focused on the breast size of a victim of molestation, even asking her to stand up while she was on the witness stand and staring inappropriately at her.

    District Judge Shawn Ho said Mr Edmund Wong Sin Yee's conduct was completely unacceptable, deserving of disapprobation and fell short of expectations of lawyers.


    Mr Wong, a marketing manager of a multinational company before becoming a lawyer in 1998, replied: "If you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?

    "... I want to show that if she is wearing a very low-cut (top) with a very voluptuous breast protruding out... then of course... the higher the tendency that people might commit such an offence.

    "So I'm trying to put my case that, you know, looking at the day (how) she was dressed and... her breast size and all these things ... whether there is temptation for anybody or the accused to do such a thing."


    Mr Wong has a history of offences.

    In August 1992, he punched a nurse at the Singapore National Eye Centre and insulted the modesty of a woman working at the clinic.

    A few months after being called to the Bar, he hit a motorist in the mouth with his mobile phone, for which he eventually got a year in jail.

    In July 2003, he was suspended from practice for two years over the road rage conviction.



  • 05 August 2016 - 09:14 AM

    Molester's lawyer 'acted indecently' during trial

    A district judge had harsh words for a lawyer who focused on the breast size of a victim of molestation, even asking her to stand up while she was on the witness stand and staring inappropriately at her.

    District Judge Shawn Ho said Mr Edmund Wong Sin Yee's conduct was completely unacceptable, deserving of disapprobation and fell short of expectations of lawyers.


    Mr Wong, a marketing manager of a multinational company before becoming a lawyer in 1998, replied: "If you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?

    "... I want to show that if she is wearing a very low-cut (top) with a very voluptuous breast protruding out... then of course... the higher the tendency that people might commit such an offence.

    "So I'm trying to put my case that, you know, looking at the day (how) she was dressed and... her breast size and all these things ... whether there is temptation for anybody or the accused to do such a thing."


    Mr Wong has a history of offences.

    In August 1992, he punched a nurse at the Singapore National Eye Centre and insulted the modesty of a woman working at the clinic.

    A few months after being called to the Bar, he hit a motorist in the mouth with his mobile phone, for which he eventually got a year in jail.

    In July 2003, he was suspended from practice for two years over the road rage conviction.



  • 05 August 2016 - 09:17 AM


    Weez911 :XD:
  • 05 August 2016 - 09:17 AM
    This guy talk truth
    So if you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?
    :XD: very true!
  • 05 August 2016 - 09:19 AM
    RadX bad leh...listurb him :grin:

  • 05 August 2016 - 09:26 AM

    This guy talk truth
    So if you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?
    :XD: very true!

    so like this will people morest ?

    Attached Thumbnails

    • 5_43_1361251570_43_44.jpg

  • 05 August 2016 - 09:37 AM
    Pinobii bad leh...listurb him :grin:

    Hehehe...doggie very guai de... [:p]


    Listurb is still must listurb :grin:
  • 05 August 2016 - 09:42 AM

    so like this will people morest ?

  • 05 August 2016 - 09:59 AM


    I may drink this if it is very nice� [laugh][laugh]

  • 05 August 2016 - 10:19 AM

    so like this will people morest ?

    This one like Blueray taste� [grin]� PG MILF type [laugh]�� �

  • 05 August 2016 - 10:39 AM

    This one like Blueray taste [grin] PG MILF type [laugh]

    This type leh? :grin:
  • 05 August 2016 - 10:42 AM

    This one got Slip Disc �or prolapse disc or �somethig izzit until so "sengkek" ; Job for RadX�to fix it�

    or she got a bad bout of constipation or diarrhea� [:(]

    This type leh? :grin:

  • 05 August 2016 - 10:53 AM

    Molester's lawyer 'acted indecently' during trial

    A district judge had harsh words for a lawyer who focused on the breast size of a victim of molestation, even asking her to stand up while she was on the witness stand and staring inappropriately at her.

    District Judge Shawn Ho said Mr Edmund Wong Sin Yee's conduct was completely unacceptable, deserving of disapprobation and fell short of expectations of lawyers.


    Mr Wong, a marketing manager of a multinational company before becoming a lawyer in 1998, replied: "If you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?

    "... I want to show that if she is wearing a very low-cut (top) with a very voluptuous breast protruding out... then of course... the higher the tendency that people might commit such an offence.

    "So I'm trying to put my case that, you know, looking at the day (how) she was dressed and... her breast size and all these things ... whether there is temptation for anybody or the accused to do such a thing."


    Mr Wong has a history of offences.

    In August 1992, he punched a nurse at the Singapore National Eye Centre and insulted the modesty of a woman working at the clinic.

    A few months after being called to the Bar, he hit a motorist in the mouth with his mobile phone, for which he eventually got a year in jail.

    In July 2003, he was suspended from practice for two years over the road rage conviction.



    Not only our judges std drop, lawyer std also drop....
  • 05 August 2016 - 11:03 AM

    Molester's lawyer 'acted indecently' during trial

    A district judge had harsh words for a lawyer who focused on the breast size of a victim of molestation, even asking her to stand up while she was on the witness stand and staring inappropriately at her.

    District Judge Shawn Ho said Mr Edmund Wong Sin Yee's conduct was completely unacceptable, deserving of disapprobation and fell short of expectations of lawyers.


    Mr Wong, a marketing manager of a multinational company before becoming a lawyer in 1998, replied: "If you get an old lady, you think people want to molest her?

    "... I want to show that if she is wearing a very low-cut (top) with a very voluptuous breast protruding out... then of course... the higher the tendency that people might commit such an offence.

    "So I'm trying to put my case that, you know, looking at the day (how) she was dressed and... her breast size and all these things ... whether there is temptation for anybody or the accused to do such a thing."


    Mr Wong has a history of offences.

    In August 1992, he punched a nurse at the Singapore National Eye Centre and insulted the modesty of a woman working at the clinic.

    A few months after being called to the Bar, he hit a motorist in the mouth with his mobile phone, for which he eventually got a year in jail.

    In July 2003, he was suspended from practice for two years over the road rage conviction.



    Got so many offences, and yet still have the lawyer licence ....

    Anyway, deserved a chiding from the judge !

  • 05 August 2016 - 11:08 AM
    'Chio' NUH nurse gets date requests by patients and has been scouted by modelling agencies at least 10 times

    She is the really the sweet looking type, no wonder so many people approach her... :wub:

  • 05 August 2016 - 11:21 AM
    What would you do if you see a 'saman aunty' getting threatened in public?

    Sad to say so but this is the mentality of a lot of people now, all rather use their cameras to record the "live show" instead of helping people out, the world would be a better place if we are willing to extend a helping hand to those who are in need...

    Ok lah... mai hiam :)

    But scouted by modelling agencies? A bit unbelievable ...

    Still a kind heart like a nurse, will only make the nurse more�beautiful :))

    This is called the "attraction of uniforms"? [;)]

  • 05 August 2016 - 11:31 AM

    the victim
  • 05 August 2016 - 05:57 PM

    I also support YR :)

    We give them a chance to turn for the better, and there are ppl who do ... :))
    But sadly this lawyer didn't leh ...

    He change Liao.. Now he only look and talk.. Not touch.
  • 09 August 2016 - 10:37 PM

    mediacorpse also stress�


  • 10 August 2016 - 07:34 AM

    unethical money-face doctor spotted



    Nothing wrong' with doc's separate billing for 2 illnesses
    Adeline Kang was charged twice for a single consultation at Wee's Family Clinic & Surgery in Whampoa Drive.�PHOTO: ST FILE
    MOH says private clinics' charges vary, after patient billed $40 for each ailment in one visit
    Senior Health Correspondent

    When finance officer Adeline Kang went to her neighbourhood clinic to see the doctor about stomach pains and a sore throat, she was not expecting to pay more than $50 for the consultation fee.

    The fees displayed at Wee's Family Clinic & Surgery in Whampoa Drive state that it costs $40 for a short consultation and $50 for a long one.

    However, she was charged $80.

    When the 41-year-old queried the cost, she was told it was $40 to address each medical issue. She also had to pay $32 for medicine.

    As it was her third visit to Dr Wee Chee Chau for her sore throat, she had expected to be charged less because it was a follow-up visit for the same problem.

    Got such thing one meh, Follow up so cheaper ? Anyway, we do not know the details, maybe she was inside for really very long ? And asked 1001 questions ? Some doctors charge consultation fees by blocks.�

    Anyway a few months back I brought my son to clinic cos he fell and cut his head. Doctor stitched him up and when we returned to remove the stitches, consultation was also charged even though it only consist of 1 sentence. "So what is wrong with him?" ok 2, if incuding my reply.� :D

  • 10 August 2016 - 08:19 AM

    mediacorpse also stress


    Jialat, dunno whose head gonna roll for this grave mistake ...
  • 10 August 2016 - 08:51 AM

    Looks like Mediacorpse uses Siri to create the subtitles....



    mediacorpse also stress�


  • 10 August 2016 - 08:56 AM

    Jialat, dunno whose head gonna roll for this grave mistake ...

    Rely too much on technology.
  • 10 August 2016 - 01:22 PM
    wah why so ???
    at most go bankrupt only can always start again.

    if ???? just join tiko thread....many hungry men
  • 10 August 2016 - 01:25 PM

    wah why so ???
    at most go bankrupt only can always start again.

    if ???? just join tiko thread....many hungry men

    Confirm suicide already?

    I thought only confirm that she mati.

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:26 PM


    wah auntie mati at BOS 4th flr... some more now ghost mth... stay away from there at night siol

    Yah this the one I said this morning...haiz...

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:27 PM

    Usually is clinic and doctor descretio but to charge for two type of symptom for 1 visit. It's too much. If it's two patient (Mother and Daughter for example.) we can understand

    more clarity needed lah. Maybe the auntie clinic asst anyhow say .... haha�

    Last time wife see gynae i also chop chop. Always asked us "any question?" NO [laugh]�. There was once we had a slightly than usual consult, wah eat into 2nd block. Consult almost $200� <_<

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:29 PM

    people stare at you will not feel stress meh? :D

    i know i will.... :XD:

    Jamesc, you helped me to de-stress after reading your post :D

    I laughed it so loud that ppl stared at me :D

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:30 PM

    Confirm suicide already?

    I thought only confirm that she mati.

    parapet leh. Office building usually closed access. Unless is cleaner open window big big and clean. Heck, many buildings can't even open window.�

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:30 PM

    people stare at you will not feel stress meh? :D

    i know i will.... :XD:

    I don't feel stressed .... I just buried my head :D

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:31 PM

    parapet leh. Office building usually closed access. Unless is cleaner open window big big and clean. Heck, many buildings can't even open window.�

    there got hantu pokemon

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:32 PM


    wah auntie mati at BOS 4th flr... some more now ghost mth... stay away from there at night siol

    RIP to the deceased ....

    Let's wait for investigation to complete before we speculate on this ...

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:33 PM

    parapet leh. Office building usually closed access. Unless is cleaner open window big big and clean. Heck, many buildings can't even open window.�

    So early in the morning - maybe murder� [:p]

  • 10 August 2016 - 01:33 PM

    more clarity needed lah. Maybe the auntie clinic asst anyhow say .... haha

    Last time wife see gynae i also chop chop. Always asked us "any question?" NO [laugh] . There was once we had a slightly than usual consult, wah eat into 2nd block. Consult almost $200 <_<

    I don't have this problem. Maybe because we chose A class.
  • 10 August 2016 - 04:50 PM

    The doctor near my house is the best.� He usually charge S$8-S$15 for consultation.� This doctor is really contributing back to society.� return��

    My neighbour told me her Malaysian relative came Singapore to visit her and got sick, the doctor asked her if she's working and she said no, then he charged her only S$8.00!� Another old neighbour who could'nt walk and was sick.� He went to her house and see her and ask her daughter to go to the clinic to take medicine and pay later.� The bill was only S$20+!� You say this doctor good or not?�

    kai xiao leh?�

    which clinic is that?

    i also lobo at home....see can get discount boh. hahahaha

  • 10 August 2016 - 05:09 PM

    Some doctor charge very high. I ever went to a clinic on Rivervale Plaza 1st level. I went there as I see nobody while another 2 clinics on 2nd floor was crowded. I brought my 2 children to see and end up the bills came up to S$100+ and S$90+ for my children. Total was nearly S$200! I was shocked for the high bill.

    My son went for his dried mouth cos we went holiday it was winter season while my daughter went for her diahorrea, cough and flu. I asked the nurse why so high she said the antibodtics was expensive. I have asked for receipt and breakdown. Now I know why her clinic was so quiet while other clinics were crowded. Luckily we bought travel insurance.

    The doctor near my house is the best. He usually charge S$8-S$15 for consultation. This doctor is really contributing back to society. return

    My neighbour told me her Malaysian relative came Singapore to visit her and got sick, the doctor asked her if she's working and she said no, then he charged her only S$8.00! Another old neighbour who could'nt walk and was sick. He went to her house and see her and ask her daughter to go to the clinic to take medicine and pay later. The bill was only S$20+! You say this doctor good or not?

    Suspect is lala [sly]
  • 11 August 2016 - 11:29 AM

    Not sure to post here or in the Stress thread,

    If you are a swimmer/diver at the Rio Olympics, will you be stressed seeing this:


    The mysterious shade of the water, which contrasted sharply against the blue of the water polo pool beside it, was also clearly visible on television to millions of viewers around the world, many of whom joked about algae and dye on social media.

    Drop in alkalinity to blame for green pool: Rio organisers

    RIO DE JANEIRO: The Rio Olympics diving pool will be back to its blue colour later on Wednesday, Games organisers assured, blaming a drop in alkalinity levels for an uninviting green hue during competition on Tuesday.

    The water in the pool was bright green on Tuesday, baffling competitors in the women's 10 metre synchronised event, who said they could not see their partner underwater.

    The mysterious shade of the water, which contrasted sharply against the blue of the water polo pool beside it, was also clearly visible on television to millions of viewers around the world, many of whom joked about algae and dye on social media.

    The international swimming federation (FINA) blamed a lack of chemicals in the system.

    "FINA can confirm that the reason for the unusual water colour... is that the water tanks ran out some of the chemicals used in the water treatment process," it said in a statement.

    "As a result the pH level of the water was outside the usual range, causing the discolouration."

    Organisers said tests at the Maria Lenk Aquatic Centre's diving pool were conducted regularly and the quality of the water was no threat to the divers' health.

    "There was a sudden decrease of alkalinity," said Games spokesman Mario Andrada. "We probably failed to note that with more athletes the water could be affected."

    He assured divers the water posed no health risk and despite the rain slowing down the process of turning the water blue, this would happen some time later on Wednesday.

    "There is absolutely no risk to anybody. The independent group (charged with checking the water quality) confirmed the measures to bring the pool back to its normal colour," Andrada said.

    "The rain affected a bit the changes in the state of the water. It should go back to classic blue colour during the day."

    Athletes were unaffected by the change in colour but Mitch Geller, chief technical officer of Diving Canada said the team had brought in a pool expert to help.

    "He arrived this morning from Canada, he's assisting with the hosting group to try to get it back under control," Geller told reporters.

    "We don't think it is dangerous or we wouldn't have our athletes in the water. But we are going to monitor to see if anyone is getting red eyes here, if their ears start hurting, we'll be dumping a whole lot of antibiotics into them."

    The problem comes on top of worries over dangerous levels of pollution in Rio's Guanabara Bay and concerns that floating garbage could damage or slow sailors.

    Organisers are also struggling with major transportation, ticketing and security issues in the first five days of the competitions.

    (Additional reporting by Brenda Goh, editing by Susanna Twidale and Toby Davis)

    - Reuters/jo

  • 11 August 2016 - 11:36 AM

    Suspect is lala [sly]

    Not me. Honestly it's impossible to charge like this anymore. These people charging this have already bought their shop space and paid it all off decades ago.

    And if u run a 1 man show, it's easy to account to yourself lor. You song then ok lor.

  • 11 August 2016 - 11:39 AM

    "There was a sudden decrease of alkalinity," said Games spokesman Mario Andrada. "We probably failed to note that with more athletes the water could be affected."

    Noted on the "probably failed to note" excuse. I'm sure we will be seeing more of it in the future� :ph34r:

  • 11 August 2016 - 11:41 AM

    "There was a sudden decrease of alkalinity," said Games spokesman Mario Andrada. "We probably failed to note that with more athletes the water could be affected."

    Noted on the "probably failed to note" excuse. I'm sure we will be seeing more of it in the future� :ph34r:

    Apparently the brazilians are making do with a lot less funding than previous olympics.

    So don't knock them too hard about it.

    Actually it's a waste of $ for them to sponsor the olympics.

  • 11 August 2016 - 11:42 AM

    "There was a sudden decrease of alkalinity," said Games spokesman Mario Andrada. "We probably failed to note that with more athletes the water could be affected."

    Noted on the "probably failed to note" excuse. I'm sure we will be seeing more of it in the future :ph34r:

    In other words, water is more acidic. Probably result in a missing diver or two who dissolved completely.
  • 11 August 2016 - 12:52 PM

    latest design


  • 11 August 2016 - 01:39 PM

    latest design


    wah, wonder what will happen when the easterly, westerly, monsoon, typhoon, water sprouting, etc. comes round...

    In other words, water is more acidic. Probably result in a missing diver or two who dissolved completely.

    Don't be so bad lah. Lives are at stake.

    The diver/swimmer no need dissolve. Maybe the swimming costumes will dissolve instead� :XD:

  • 11 August 2016 - 01:58 PM

    latest design


    The car badly need a shade and protection from the rubbish behind :D
  • 11 August 2016 - 04:01 PM

    Or more pee into the pool?


    In other words, water is more acidic. Probably result in a missing diver or two who dissolved completely.

  • 11 August 2016 - 04:45 PM

    kai xiao leh?�

    which clinic is that?

    i also lobo at home....see can get discount boh. hahahaha

    He won't go to your house one lah unless you stay very near to the clinic.� He's Dr Woon, clinic in Sengkang.�

    normal GP or pede?? Pede usually charge higher.

    Normal GP.

  • 11 August 2016 - 04:53 PM

    Not me. Honestly it's impossible to charge like this anymore. These people charging this have already bought their shop space and paid it all off decades ago.

    And if u run a 1 man show, it's easy to account to yourself lor. You song then ok lor.

    He's really a kind doctor de.� Simple consultation + medicine usually never exceed $40 de.� My girl went to see him few days ago only S$26.

    He's really humble.� He drives only a normal Toyota sedan.�

    Lucky you didn't go to see Dr Wee.

    You would have been triple charged.

    This is like seeing doctor 3 times.


    [laugh] [laugh]

  • 11 August 2016 - 05:08 PM

    He won't go to your house one lah unless you stay very near to the clinic. He's Dr Woon, clinic in Sengkang.

    Normal GP.

    Wah... Gp so expensive

    In other words, water is more acidic. Probably result in a missing diver or two who dissolved completely.

    Must check which diver or swimmer didn't bath before competing.
  • 12 August 2016 - 10:07 AM
    only ask for $500??

    Man arrested for attempted extortion over �compromising� photos
    Yahoo Singapore August 11, 2016
    A 34-year-old man has been arrested for attempting to extort another man by threatening to circulate �compromising photographs� of the victim�s wife.
    In a statement, the police said on Thursday (11 August) that the 32-year-old victim reported that he had received a call from an unknown person who allegedly demanded $500 from him.�
    The suspect threatened to disseminate compromising photographs of the victim�s wife on the internet should the victim refuse to pay up.
    On Wednesday (10 August), the suspect was arrested at Jurong West Ave 5 and his mobile phone was seized.
    The suspect will charged with attempted extortion and if convicted, he faces a maximum jail term of five years and caning.

  • 12 August 2016 - 10:24 AM

    This doctor now very stress... Editor's note at the bottom not helping [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


    Single charge of $80 for long consultation
    5 hours ago

    I wish to clarify some points in Tuesday's report ("'Nothing wrong' with doc's separate billing for 2 illnesses").

    Several days before, my clinic assistant received a call from senior health correspondent Salma Khalik, in the midst of a busy morning session, to inquire of a case where she claimed the patient had been billed separately for two conditions.

    The reporter queried the $80 consultation charge, to which the assistant replied that it was for two different problems.

    Subsequently, the call was passed to me. In the brief phone interview, we discussed the case pertaining to a patient with tonsillitis and gastritis who had seen me a few days ago and was charged $80 for consultation.

    No specific patient details were provided to me by Ms Khalik. Furthermore, I am legally bound by confidentiality laws to not disclose patient case details. This was why I could provide only a general answer based on the information that the reporter provided.

    It is my practice to charge for a long consultation (as a complex case) when there is more than one condition that requires attention.

    It is also clearly stated on the clinic consultation charges display that short consultations start from $40, and long consultations start from $50, and not a flat rate, contrary to the report.

    In this particular instance, a single charge of $80 would be applicable for the long consultation involving two different conditions that each required equal and separate attention.

    As the billing was done by the clinic assistant, it served as a simple and objective avenue that is easy for the assistant to carry out.

    I have been serving in Whampoa Drive since 1994, and this fee structure has been in place since, in the absence of any ministry guidelines on fees.

    However, it seems that miscommunication between the patient and the clinic assistant, and/or the reporter has given rise to the impression of a separate billing for two ailments, which was definitely not the case.

    It is a single charge, in one billing, for a long consultation that involved two entirely different conditions.

    It is our commitment to provide quality care to patients and we always strive to ensure they are fully aware of all aspects related to their individual treatment.

    Wee Chee Chau (Dr)
    Wee's Family Clinic and Surgery


    When our reporter asked Dr Wee whether he charged multiple consultation fees if a patient had more than one problem, he said he did. He was quoted in our report as adding: "When you have two problems, it's like seeing a doctor twice." To be doubly sure about this, our reporter asked whether a patient would be charged three consultation fees if he had three conditions, and she cited the common conditions of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Dr Wee said "yes", and added that the consultation for diabetes would exceed $60 because it is a more complex problem.

  • 12 August 2016 - 10:35 AM

    only ask for $500??

    Now I know why I don't like to compromise.

    Someone takes a photo and I will have to pay $500.

    Its just so expensive to compromise.


  • 12 August 2016 - 10:45 AM

    This doctor now very stress... Editor's note at the bottom not helping [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]


    Single charge of $80 for long consultation
    5 hours ago

    I wish to clarify some points in Tuesday's report ("'Nothing wrong' with doc's separate billing for 2 illnesses").

    Several days before, my clinic assistant received a call from senior health correspondent Salma Khalik, in the midst of a busy morning session, to inquire of a case where she claimed the patient had been billed separately for two conditions.

    The reporter queried the $80 consultation charge, to which the assistant replied that it was for two different problems.

    Subsequently, the call was passed to me. In the brief phone interview, we discussed the case pertaining to a patient with tonsillitis and gastritis who had seen me a few days ago and was charged $80 for consultation.

    No specific patient details were provided to me by Ms Khalik. Furthermore, I am legally bound by confidentiality laws to not disclose patient case details. This was why I could provide only a general answer based on the information that the reporter provided.

    It is my practice to charge for a long consultation (as a complex case) when there is more than one condition that requires attention.

    It is also clearly stated on the clinic consultation charges display that short consultations start from $40, and long consultations start from $50, and not a flat rate, contrary to the report.

    In this particular instance, a single charge of $80 would be applicable for the long consultation involving two different conditions that each required equal and separate attention.

    As the billing was done by the clinic assistant, it served as a simple and objective avenue that is easy for the assistant to carry out.

    I have been serving in Whampoa Drive since 1994, and this fee structure has been in place since, in the absence of any ministry guidelines on fees.

    However, it seems that miscommunication between the patient and the clinic assistant, and/or the reporter has given rise to the impression of a separate billing for two ailments, which was definitely not the case.

    It is a single charge, in one billing, for a long consultation that involved two entirely different conditions.

    It is our commitment to provide quality care to patients and we always strive to ensure they are fully aware of all aspects related to their individual treatment.

    Wee Chee Chau (Dr)
    Wee's Family Clinic and Surgery


    When our reporter asked Dr Wee whether he charged multiple consultation fees if a patient had more than one problem, he said he did. He was quoted in our report as adding: "When you have two problems, it's like seeing a doctor twice." To be doubly sure about this, our reporter asked whether a patient would be charged three consultation fees if he had three conditions, and she cited the common conditions of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Dr Wee said "yes", and added that the consultation for diabetes would exceed $60 because it is a more complex problem.

    she must as well call himself a specialist � <_<

  • 12 August 2016 - 11:03 AM

    she must as well call himself a specialist � <_<

    He is - a specialist at charging high rates for consultations...

  • 12 August 2016 - 11:21 AM

    I feel it is fair for doctors to charge according to short or long consultations. But to charge based on the number of illnesses in one consultation, I disagree. :a-no:

    My usual GP charges me according to short or long consultation.

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