radx bz scolding pple from M1..
so old already still so bad temper.

Wait sure got people come and suan.
whoooooooo whoooooooooo whoooooooo???

radx bz scolding pple from M1..
I go kaypoh see, see.
so old already still so bad temper.
knn..lau nang is liddat one lah.

knn..lau nang is liddat one lah.
lau nang need to relax even more.

woohoo.. 2hrs more and i'm off work.. 1/2 day leave!
wah tuesday only already take leave?
hot date?

wah tuesday only already take leave?
hot date?

hot date leave for weekends..

hot date leave for weekends..
should be other way around.
hot dates on weekdays so nobody can kachiao you and everywhere is empty no crowd.
lau nang thinking.

should be other way around.
hot dates on weekdays so nobody can kachiao you and everywhere is empty no crowd.
lau nang thinking.
please.. weekends starts on fri nite.. and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to sun nite..

woohoo.. 2hrs more and i'm off work.. 1/2 day leave!
knn...hoh mia. My 2nd cat coming home today, last night I had a slight fever,
so wife and 2nd son went to vet, end up vet close, kns, then vet sms me when
they left, say will send back today instead. So asked her to come home, the famous
pau shop there ask her buy, knn, all sold out. WTF!

lau nang need to relax even more.
This place he sure cannot shet one.

wah tuesday only already take leave?
hot date?
Daytime lah, she go "stick paper" Tah Chua on people's home.

hot date leave for weekends..
My bloody arm still pain from polishing my cars. FARK.
please.. weekends starts on fri nite.. and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to sun nite..
knn, if only I can relax on weekends. cb, so much work to do. FARK again.

please.. weekends starts on fri nite.. and alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way to sun nite..
wei play computer games also must stand up and stretch once in a while to avoid Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT).
My bloody arm still pain from polishing my cars. FARK.
and this sun u r gona polish somemore?
My bloody arm still pain from polishing my cars. FARK.
the price of love.

j22 also arms pain every day.

wei play computer games also must stand up and stretch once in a while to avoid Deep Vein Thrombosis(DVT).
sure.. sometimes stand, sometimes plank.. other times on the fours..
it all depends..

sure.. sometimes stand, sometimes plank.. other times on the fours..
it all depends..![]()
never tried planking before.

never tried planking before.
you should..

you should..
hmmm...yes master.
pm me demo photos to follow.

hmmm...yes master.
pm me demo photos to follow.
there you go..
and this sun u r gona polish somemore?
Yeah, last one. Boh pian, I need to do, if not paint damage like fark. You saw that day in the carpark not?
That was after one session. Sunday after I did the 2nd installment, my sister say see liow buay tahan.

the price of love.
j22 also arms pain every day.
J22 everyday ess also pain. All love to piak him.
sure.. sometimes stand, sometimes plank.. other times on the fours..
it all depends..![]()
Plank for fark, do all those stupid things.

there you go..
I'm very very sure this was taken in Perth.
Yeah, last one. Boh pian, I need to do, if not paint damage like fark. You saw that day in the carpark not?
That was after one session. Sunday after I did the 2nd installment, my sister say see liow buay tahan.
yeah.. shiny shiny one..
and ur gay frn took a pic so that he can go home n erect.
950 pages..............
knncb, going to compain mod ah?

950 pages..............
we always hit 1000 pages b4 we start a new thread..

there you go..
ok his is longer than mine.

we always hit 1000 pages b4 we start a new thread..
missing some key appointment holders otherwise we half way into part 3 already.

yeah.. shiny shiny one..
and ur gay frn took a pic so that he can go home n erect.
I hope he got the GOOD side.

I need to machine in the wax. Then I'm done.
Now wife don't drive to work, me don't like, her side
got lots of bird shet, my side still best, I use car cover.
Anyway, she drives the MX to work now, so she leaves
this one alone.

knncb, going to compain mod ah?
i eat full no so free................i hope can hit 2000 pages...........

missing some key appointment holders otherwise we half way into part 3 already.
dang! jman! he is suppose to prep for part 3 thread!
I hope he got the GOOD side.
I need to machine in the wax. Then I'm done.
Now wife don't drive to work, me don't like, her side
got lots of bird shet, my side still best, I use car cover.
Anyway, she drives the MX to work now, so she leaves
this one alone.
bird poo is jin sian one..
especially after baking under the hot sun..

we always hit 1000 pages b4 we start a new thread..
try 2000 pages.............

missing some key appointment holders otherwise we half way into part 3 already.
Most I or you or RB start new thread lor. First thread was started by me anyway mah.

missing some key appointment holders otherwise we half way into part 3 already.
where is WTF???................
i eat full no so free................i hope can hit 2000 pages...........
1000 people come and quah us chow liow.

try 2000 pages.............
2000 pages will jam the bandwidth.. u dun kw?

where is WTF???................
if WTF here....sure 3000 pgs aldy

bird poo is jin sian one..
especially after baking under the hot sun..
Two weeks ago tio, she drive to office, then pick me, I see liow, I knn sian like fark.
Now she drive the other car, but me also will sian, cos I do both. That one also sibey kilat one.
BTW, she still not used to the handling

where is WTF???................
school holidays...i think he's busy.

1000 people come and quah us chow liow.
knn...............just try lah.............by this weekend sld be 1000 pages liao...........i think Gad like not ard..............lol.............

2000 pages will jam the bandwidth.. u dun kw?
boh leh...........ps3 (4)............2000+++ pages leh.............

if WTF here....sure 3000 pgs aldy
like never see him for a while..............

school holidays...i think he's busy.

boh leh...........ps3 (4)............2000+++ pages leh.............
orh hor!!! u pao toh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

where is WTF???................
farked off.
school holidays...i think he's busy.
Not another FETISH!!!

knn...............just try lah.............by this weekend sld be 1000 pages liao...........i think Gad like not ard..............lol.............
Gad boh eng cho kang .
farked off.
ok time for me to fark off also.
offsite meetings in the afternoon, not go planking with RB.

talk tomorrow!

orh hor!!! u pao toh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
knn, chai chen PS3 (4)

ok time for me to fark off also.
offsite meetings in the afternoon, not go planking with RB.![]()
talk tomorrow!
ciao!! drive safe!

orh hor!!! u pao toh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lock liao lah................PS3 (5) already 300++ pages liao............

knn, chai chen PS3 (4)
early early lock liao lah.................now (5) already 300 pages le..............

arse - butt
a------e - butt
ass - butt
ass-hat - idiot
ass-jabber - homosexual
ass-pirate - homosexual
assbag - idiot
assbandit - homosexual
assbanger - homosexual
assbite - idiot
assclown - butt
asscock - idiot
asscracker - butt
asses - butts
assface - butt
assf--k - rear-loving
assf--ker - homosexual
assgoblin - homosexual
asshat - butt
asshead - idiot
a-----e - jerk
asshopper - homosexual
assjacker - homosexual
asslick - idiot
asslicker - Buttlicker
assmonkey - idiot
assmunch - idiot
assmuncher - butt
assnigger - Racial Slur
asspirate - homosexual
assshit - idiot
assshole - butt
asssucker - idiot
asswad - butt
asswipe - butt
axwound - female genitalia
bampot - idiot
b------d - illegitimate child
beaner - Mexican
bitch - female dog
bitchass - idiot
bitches - female dogs
bitchtits - homosexual
bitchy - mean
blow job - sexual act
blowjob - sexual act
bollocks - male genitalia
bollox - male genitalia
boner - erection
brotherf--ker - homosexual
b-------t - poop
bumblef--k - homosexual
butt plug - cork
butt-pirate - homosexual
buttf--ka - homosexual
buttf--ker - homosexual
camel toe - female genitalia
carpetmuncher - homosexual
chesticle - Breast
chinc - Chinese
chink - asian
choad - male genitalia
chode - small penis
clit - female genitals
clitface - idiot
clitf--k - sexual act
clusterf--k - mess up
c--k - penis
cockass - Jerk
cockbite - idiot
cockburger - idiot
cockface - idiot
cockf--ker - idiot
cockhead - idiot
cockjockey - homosexual
cockknoker - homosexual
cockmaster - homosexual
cockmongler - homosexual
cockmongruel - homosexual
cockmonkey - idiot
cockmuncher - homosexual
cocknose - idiot
cocknugget - idiot
cockshit - idiot
cocksmith - homosexual
cocksmoke - homosexual
cocksmoker - homosexual
cocksniffer - homosexual
cocksucker - homosexual
cockwaffle - idiot
coochie - female genitalia
coochy - female genitalia
coon - African American
cooter - vagina
cracker - Caucasian
cum - semen
cumbubble - idiot
cumdumpster - prostitute
cumguzzler - homosexual
cumjockey - homosexual
cumslut - dirty girl
cumtart - idiot
cunnie - female genitalia
cunnilingus - sexual act
c--t - vagina
cuntass - idiot
cuntface - idiot
cunthole - female genitalia
cuntlicker - homosexual
cuntrag - idiot
cuntslut - idiot
dago - Italian
damn - darn
deggo - Italian
dick - penis
dick-sneeze - orgasm
dickbag - idiot
dickbeaters - Hands
dickface - idiot
dickf--k - idiot
dickf--ker - homosexual
dickhead - phallace face
dickhole - male genitalia
dickjuice - semen
dickmilk - sperm
dickmonger - homosexual
dicks - penises
dickslap - sexual act
dicksucker - homosexual
dicksucking - sexual act
dicktickler - homosexual
dickwad - idiot
dickweasel - idiot
dickweed - idiot
dickwod - idiot
dike - homosexual
dildo - sexual toy
dipshit - idiot
doochbag - idiot
dookie - poop
douche - female hygene product
douche-fag - idiot
douchebag - female hygene accessory
douchewaffle - homosexual
dumass - idiot
dumb ass - idiot
dumbass - idiot
dumbf--k - idiot
dumbshit - idiot
dumshit - idiot
dyke - homosexual
fag - homosexual
fagbag - homosexual
fagf--ker - homosexual
faggit - homosexual
faggot - homosexual
faggotcock - homosexual
fagtard - homosexual idiot
fatass - a fat person
fellatio - sexual act
feltch - sexual act
flamer - homosexual
f--k - fornicate
f--kass - idiot
f--kbag - idiot
f--kboy - idiot
f--kbrain - idiot
f--kbutt - butt
f--kbutter - Sexual fluids
f--ked - had intercourse
f--ker - fornicator
f--kersucker - idiot
f--kface - idiot
f--khead - butt
f--khole - jerk
f--kin - sexual act
f--king - freaking
f--knut - idiot
f--knutt - idiot
f--koff - go away
f--ks - sexual act
f--kstick - male genitalia
f--ktard - Moron
f--ktart - idiot
f--kup - idiot
f--kwad - idiot
f--kwit - dummy
f--kwitt - idiot
fudgepacker - homosexual
gay - homosexual
gayass - butt
gaybob - homosexual
gaydo - homosexual
gayf--k - homosexual
gayf--kist - homosexual
gaylord - homosexual
gaytard - homosexual
gaywad - homosexual
goddamn - goshdarn
goddamnit - goshdarnit
gooch - female genitalia
gook - Chinese
gringo - foreigner
guido - italian
handjob - sexual act
hard on - erection
heeb - Jewish Person
hell - heck
ho - woman
hoe - Woman
homo - homosexual
homodumbshit - idiot
honkey - white person
humping - sexual act
jackass - idiot
jagoff - idiot
jap - japanesse person
jerk off - masturbate
jerkass - idiot
jigaboo - African American
jizz - Semen
jungle bunny - african american
junglebunny - african american
ciao!! drive safe!
knn, today half day ah. I think later I drive out go jalan jalan.
that kkb badder just posted that string of nonsense in another thread as well..
ALL threads....think he lost it aldy
that kkb badder just posted that string of nonsense in another thread as well..
Don't bother lah.
ALL threads....think he lost it aldy
dio ban already... sho sad..
ALL threads....think he lost it aldy
Kana banned liow.
Oh..you're back.

Oh..you're back.
where was I?

where was I?
Lost but never lost. Wanna see my car later?

Kana banned liow.
i started a eulogy thread

Lost but never lost. Wanna see my car later?
Sure!! Where to? Nearby?

i started a eulogy thread
Urolgy for Bladder, somekind of medical condition.

i started a eulogy thread
I go give 21 gun salute.

Sure!! Where to? Nearby?
Kidding lah.
Rad post yours ler...yours should be out of this world one.
Radx' one is
6:00 : NParks nature reserve
6:00-6:20 : NParks nature reserve
6:30 : NParks nature reserve
6:50 : NParks nature reserve
7:30 : NParks nature reserve
8:00 - 12:30 : NParks nature reserve
12:30 -13:30 : NParks nature reserve
13:30 - 17:59 : NParks nature reserve
17:59 - 18:30 : NParks nature reserve
18:30 - 21:00 : NParks nature reserve
21:30 - 22:30 : NParks nature reserve
23:00 - 23:59 : NParks nature reserve
01:30 : Singapore Tree Tops

Kidding lah.

Sure!! Where to? Nearby?
His Gayman damn fast. Be careful

Radx' one is
6:00 : NParks nature reserve
6:00-6:20 : NParks nature reserve
6:30 : NParks nature reserve
6:50 : NParks nature reserve
7:30 : NParks nature reserve
8:00 - 12:30 : NParks nature reserve
12:30 -13:30 : NParks nature reserve
13:30 - 17:59 : NParks nature reserve
17:59 - 18:30 : NParks nature reserve
18:30 - 21:00 : NParks nature reserve
21:30 - 22:30 : NParks nature reserve
23:00 - 23:59 : NParks nature reserve
01:30 : Singapore Tree Tops

narbei.... you luff for fark?

His Gayman damn fast. Be careful
Gayman < Straightman


narbei.... you luff for fark?
MO ask me to laugh at you. *shrugs*
His Gayman damn fast. Be careful
Yeah, grab balls one.

narbei.... you luff for fark?
Yewww....someone emo today eeeeeeeeewwwwwww..........

MO ask me to laugh at you. *shrugs*
*Power Bitch-SlaP*
MO ask me to laugh at you. *shrugs*

*Power Bitch-SlaP*
Oh..she likes that.
Yewww....someone emo today eeeeeeeeewwwwwww..........
I just lost my marbles...

Oh..she likes that.
Don't get me started on the whip

*Power Bitch-SlaP*
oh hello there!
can you do the left cheek too?

I just lost my marbles...
You never had any to start with bro. You're just like me....

Don't get me started on the whip
What's stopping you? FLOG the BITCH! YAY!!

oh hello there!
can you do the left cheek too?
Lai! "PIAK" you want the right cheek again? Please remove panties, the feel just isn't right.

You never had any to start with bro. You're just like me....
No wonder I always felt something is missing...

this please.
That's gay. Gotta ask Porker or Sabbie.
this please.
See liow erect.

That's gay. Gotta ask Porker or Sabbie.

See liow erect.
happy go lucky.

Is this the new vibratorChoose Your Poison:

Is this the new vibrator
You bend we try.

Squat better to enter
Ok, time and place, we will help.

Changi village playground.btw 11-1130pm.Ok, time and place, we will help.
Page me when u guys are here.

No camera plsssssss......
Changi village playground.btw 11-1130pm.
Page me when u guys are here.![]()
No camera plsssssss......
er...u at the DARK carpark..the UGLY ones right??

Porker normally go 7-11 der
Hello,I'm at the old petrol kiosk leh,still young.er...u at the DARK carpark..the UGLY ones right??
Porker normally go 7-11 der
Maybe another 5 years,I be joint the 7-11 gang liao

Hello,I'm at the old petrol kiosk leh,still young.
Maybe another 5 years,I be joint the 7-11 gang liao

I know one selling duck rice at hougang coffeeshop,another one in salon.
acherlee hor, when these ppl grow old, wat do they do?
The rest dun really talk,coz we will fight over biz


beyonce? is halo her new song? omg.. i must try to keep up with the top 40s..
Edited by Rainbowbiatch, 30 November 2011 - 08:03 AM.
beyonce? is halo her new song? omg.. i must try to keep up with the top 40s..
bloody old song lah....u old fuddie duddie

Long sobs of autumn violins, soothe my heart with a monotonous languor.
bloody old song lah....u old fuddie duddie
darn! i REALLY have to keep up with the top 40s man..

darn! i REALLY have to keep up with the top 40s man..
u old fashioned nia....unker here knows the top hits better dan u

u old fashioned nia....unker here knows the top hits better dan u
tats y.. im so ashamed..

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