Do i need to do any setup at the homepage? or is it simply plug n play?
Connection very simple juz like connecting to internet on the pc... the waiting time will

anyone have any idea how much the guitar hero set cost ?? planning to buy it
Any reasons why you prefer guitar hero over rockband series?
anyone have any idea how much the guitar hero set cost ?? planning to buy it
GH world tour band set cost 200++(high 200 i think)
GH 5 guitar set i got for 145 at tampines mall....
both can use on either games...
Or u can try the wireless (ps3 build in wifi) but if you have password encryption to your router, going to be a bit more cheem. My cannot do so i hardwire to router.
then comes the system downloads. The PS3 system has updates from time to time so u will have to do the system updates.
then the game downloads and updates when u playing a game online. Different games got different updates. Those sports game more updates take more time.
Depending on your speed, this should all take about 30-45 mins.
if first time in PSN, then u need to do all the setup on your email lah, ID lah password lah....... more time required.
Sibei deep leh..... Kum Sia Kum Sia. Will explore tonite if i canwhether easy or not is relative..... u can hardwire the ps3 to your broadband or router. It auto detects. Then internet test the connection.
Or u can try the wireless (ps3 build in wifi) but if you have password encryption to your router, going to be a bit more cheem. My cannot do so i hardwire to router.
then comes the system downloads. The PS3 system has updates from time to time so u will have to do the system updates.
then the game downloads and updates when u playing a game online. Different games got different updates. Those sports game more updates take more time.
Depending on your speed, this should all take about 30-45 mins.
if first time in PSN, then u need to do all the setup on your email lah, ID lah password lah....... more time required.
whether easy or not is relative..... u can hardwire the ps3 to your broadband or router. It auto detects. Then internet test the connection.
Or u can try the wireless (ps3 build in wifi) but if you have password encryption to your router, going to be a bit more cheem. My cannot do so i hardwire to router.
then comes the system downloads. The PS3 system has updates from time to time so u will have to do the system updates.
then the game downloads and updates when u playing a game online. Different games got different updates. Those sports game more updates take more time.
Depending on your speed, this should all take about 30-45 mins.
if first time in PSN, then u need to do all the setup on your email lah, ID lah password lah....... more time required.
Got password encryption not cheem lah... just copy the password then when hooking up the PS3 thru wifi, simply put in the password lor....
If you are using the Singtel, the password is on the router itself....

sorry if i sound too complicated. Anyway i think its not too difficult. All auto one....... u just have to wait for it to finish tats all. Even for Xbox360 u want to play online also same thing, have to download the latest patch for the game.
wah looks like very troublesome to play online this if i buy..i sure don play time to wait for updates or downloads.haiz...
not troublesome lah.... they don't have updates all the time, so no need to worry, the most just leave the system to do the updates while you go do other stuff.
Actually it depends on router lah. Its cheem for my dlink router because i have to manually configure leh.... wah lau eh.... i try the auto settings for the wireless cannot work/detect IP address after put in password. Give up halfway trying to manual configure.
sorry if i sound too complicated. Anyway i think its not too difficult. All auto one....... u just have to wait for it to finish tats all. Even for Xbox360 u want to play online also same thing, have to download the latest patch for the game.
Dlink settings abit cheem... i had to consult my IT colleague to help me configure the WEP
Dlink settings abit cheem... i had to consult my IT colleague to help me configure the WEP
you are using dlink and starhub ah?
not cheem lah.... you just have to follow the instructions when you encrypted your router. all you need to know now is what was the password. use the same password for the ps3... then you are done.
But it has been solved
you sure got offer?
my dlink router using WEP. After entering the WEP key in the PS3 network setting, it says access point not detected. Signal weak (cannot be scan tell me 85% strength) or SSID that i entered is incorrect.
Got 16 teams so need 16 players. Got schedule timetable and topscorer etc. wah lau eh if got better timing i sure join for the fun. Only thing is i sure kena boot out by 1st rd no matter what team i take.

just a direct cable to solved the issue!
wait for 6 more day for the game
brutal legend!!!!
so coolz!!!
check it out!
r u IT an person? Maybe u can help me to configure wireless Ps3 to my router?
my dlink router using WEP. After entering the WEP key in the PS3 network setting, it says access point not detected. Signal weak (cannot be scan tell me 85% strength) or SSID that i entered is incorrect.
both your wep and ssid is located at the side or bottom of your modem. i think it is handwritten, at least mine was. i initially also enter wrong ssid then after that i realised i got 1 of the number/alpha wrong.... maybe you try and see again... eg: S or 5 is similar, o or 0 also similar..... once your ssid is connected, you should be good to go...
hmm...anyone using singnet hv trouble connecting? IF i buy ps3, most likely hv to use wireless...cos my modem in room n i plan to play in living hall. wats all this WEP la, SSID la...
no problems on my side....modem in kitchen, wireless PS3 in my room,
read my previous post or WEP and SSID, it is located at side of your modem, this is actually your unique ID so as to make it harder for others to tap your network.
no problems on my side....modem in kitchen, wireless PS3 in my room,
read my previous post or WEP and SSID, it is located at side of your modem, this is actually your unique ID so as to make it harder for others to tap your network.
What I do is just hide my SSID and don't bother with WEP, and WPA, so far nobody managed to tap into my net.
batman arkum asylum is a very good game. only downside is probably there is no multiplayer available.
used to be a pes fan until fifa09 came along. Was skeptical at first (as previous fifa were not as good as pes) but after playing 10 mins, no more pes for me. fifa10 went up another level. With own virtual pro, u can gather 11 players online (all different positions) and form a team to play against others. Wah piang damn amazing playing with so many others. The controls can configure the same as PES, while have to get used to the computer style of playing, which i think more realistic, like in a real EPL match.
next up is uncharted 2. The critics rating this game is as good as MGS4 and GTA4. Must try it out.......
Yes, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves is the next big blockbuster coming to the PS3. Played Uncharted Drake's Fortune back then & it was awesome. Now Uncharted 2 has co-op & the graphics looks even more awesome. If you are a gun lover u must check this game out, mixture of action, adventure, gun fights & intruiging storyline.
Another highly anticipated game will be God of War III!! Kratos is back to finish the gods. These 2 sick games are all PS3 EXCUSIVE! Hooray for the PS3!
wah looks like very troublesome to play online this if i buy..i sure don play time to wait for updates or downloads.haiz...
Seriously if u r a hardcore online gamer as in u prefer multiplayer games & are more often to play online, u would be better off with a X-Box 360. If u are more into single player games, PS3 is ur machine. Although the PS3 online functions are FREE, the 360 has better online capabilities. I am all for the PS3 as i have been using the PS since the PS1 days & there are more exclusives on the PS although now these so called exclusives are slowly moving to the other consoles too....
I was looking at the gameaxis forum and saw they organizing champs league every wed (which i cant make it). Was thinking we org one MCF fifa10 champs league every tues? i dont find doing the admin stuff.
Got 16 teams so need 16 players. Got schedule timetable and topscorer etc. wah lau eh if got better timing i sure join for the fun. Only thing is i sure kena boot out by 1st rd no matter what team i take.i also not very good.
Cannot make it lah the server.... frustrating man... juz played juz now..... cannot even control my player.... we better test among ourselves first....

I m interested in getting the Beatles Rockband set too. Can someone tell me so what is the difference between the equipment? Anyone know how much is the Special Edition set and where to get?????
I went to funz centre (a gameshop at AMK hub), it is selling $199 for the beatles rockband set.The guitar hero set also come with drum ,guitar (wireless) and mircophone ,same as rockband set, cost about $285 with 2 games.
Until now I still confused on getting which one, Rockband set can actually added extra cymbals.
Best is we have to goggle more about the difference the two to suit our preference.
This is the premium rock band set with additional cymbals.Normal set come with the pad and pedal only.
r u IT an person? Maybe u can help me to configure wireless Ps3 to my router?
my dlink router using WEP. After entering the WEP key in the PS3 network setting, it says access point not detected. Signal weak (cannot be scan tell me 85% strength) or SSID that i entered is incorrect.
No lah, I am not an IT person. Just know a bit of IT stuff.....
Hmmm..... Do you have a PDA/Notebook/Iphone to test out the signal? Can you configure your PDA/Notebook/Iphone for wifi at home? Did you select the correct settings? I am go home then I can help you.... need to see my own settings
Let you know tonight
hmm...anyone using singnet hv trouble connecting? IF i buy ps3, most likely hv to use wireless...cos my modem in room n i plan to play in living hall. wats all this WEP la, SSID la...
I am using Singtel and last time Starhub. No issues with the wireless for PS3, notebook, iphone, pda. Only thing is signal too weak in the toilet.
I went to funz centre (a gameshop at AMK hub), it is selling $199 for the beatles rockband set.The guitar hero set also come with drum ,guitar (wireless) and mircophone ,same as rockband set, cost about $285 with 2 games.
Until now I still confused on getting which one, Rockband set can actually added extra cymbals.
Best is we have to goggle more about the difference the two to suit our preference.
This is the premium rock band set with additional cymbals.Normal set come with the pad and pedal only.
I am looking for the Beatles Rockband Special Edition set. Anyone knows how much is it?
What I do is just hide my SSID and don't bother with WEP, and WPA, so far nobody managed to tap into my net.
how do you know that nobody has tap into your net yet?
in my neighbourhood, someone has his/her wireless wide open. Imagine the security issues...
I am looking for the Beatles Rockband Special Edition set. Anyone knows how much is it?
OK...after some goggle, the $199 promotion beatles rockband is basically the drum set from Rockband 1, which mean u cannot upgrade for the extra cymbals. But for causal gamers, it is quite value for money.
The beatles special limited edition may cost $400 at least in Singapore
how do you know that nobody has tap into your net yet?
in my neighbourhood, someone has his/her wireless wide open. Imagine the security issues...
In my router settings, can check which mac address / computer name has accessed the router.
OK...after some goggle, the $199 promotion beatles rockband is basically the drum set from Rockband 1, which mean u cannot upgrade for the extra cymbals. But for causal gamers, it is quite value for money.
The beatles special limited edition may cost $400 at least in Singapore

PSN is free but not xbox live, which you have to pay i think abt $80 for the yearly subscription.

if u all r want to play a game online, let me know and tell me the time. I will try to go online.
From the user reviews, better get the RB2 set. Heard the RB1 set cannot make it for the beatles game.
cheapest i found is $180 for the RB1 set. For your request on the limited edition (theres also platinum edition), qisahn was selling sometime back but i heard out of stock. Price should be about $315 if i not wrong.
From the user reviews, better get the RB2 set. Heard the RB1 set cannot make it for the beatles game.
Actually the beatles rockband game is bundled with the rockband 1 instructment set ( Drum, guitar and mircophone) for a promotion rate of $199.Frankly speaking, it is consider quite reasonable pricing
RB2 instructment set is a improved and a upgradable version. So the price for this set may cost at least $250 alone. Long term seasonal Rockband player will definitely get this.
For those ps3 "kuku" owner like me who never played Rockband but attracted by the beatles gameplay may consider getting the cheaper Rockband 1 package that come with the beatles games. Ultimately we made our choice before we commited on getting it.
How I wish there have a Depeche mode or Bon jovi version!!
Yes, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves is the next big blockbuster coming to the PS3. Played Uncharted Drake's Fortune back then & it was awesome. Now Uncharted 2 has co-op & the graphics looks even more awesome. If you are a gun lover u must check this game out, mixture of action, adventure, gun fights & intruiging storyline.
Another highly anticipated game will be God of War III!! Kratos is back to finish the gods. These 2 sick games are all PS3 EXCUSIVE! Hooray for the PS3!
I'm actually not a hardcore PS3 gamer - just play to when I have time. I think I am more addicted to the RPG games on PC. Would love to try out Uncharted and God of War (previous versions) since they have received such good reviews here. Problem is.. where to find them, cos I think the shops mostly dun sell these games anymore?
I'm actually not a hardcore PS3 gamer - just play to when I have time. I think I am more addicted to the RPG games on PC. Would love to try out Uncharted and God of War (previous versions) since they have received such good reviews here. Problem is.. where to find them, cos I think the shops mostly dun sell these games anymore?
Buy 2nd hand.
Yes, Uncharted 2 : Among Thieves is the next big blockbuster coming to the PS3. Played Uncharted Drake's Fortune back then & it was awesome. Now Uncharted 2 has co-op & the graphics looks even more awesome. If you are a gun lover u must check this game out, mixture of action, adventure, gun fights & intruiging storyline.
Another highly anticipated game will be God of War III!! Kratos is back to finish the gods. These 2 sick games are all PS3 EXCUSIVE! Hooray for the PS3!
When is God of War III coming out?
Thanks for the help. Hope it isnt too much of a trouble for you. I can dont use the wireless also, cos I am doing hardwire connect to router as it is near my set.
Are you able to access your router using notebook or pda?
Btw, you sure your router is wireless one?
cheapest i found is $180 for the RB1 set. For your request on the limited edition (theres also platinum edition), qisahn was selling sometime back but i heard out of stock. Price should be about $315 if i not wrong.
From the user reviews, better get the RB2 set. Heard the RB1 set cannot make it for the beatles game.
Your special edition is for RB2 and not Beatles Rockband Special Edition right?
So what you are saying is get RB2 Special Edition set and just get the Beatles game only? Don't but Beatles Special Edition cuz it is freaking expensive!
Actually the beatles rockband game is bundled with the rockband 1 instructment set ( Drum, guitar and mircophone) for a promotion rate of $199.Frankly speaking, it is consider quite reasonable pricing
RB2 instructment set is a improved and a upgradable version. So the price for this set may cost at least $250 alone. Long term seasonal Rockband player will definitely get this.
For those ps3 "kuku" owner like me who never played Rockband but attracted by the beatles gameplay may consider getting the cheaper Rockband 1 package that come with the beatles games. Ultimately we made our choice before we commited on getting it.
How I wish there have a Depeche mode or Bon jovi version!!
But between $199 and $250.... is it better to get RB2 and then get just the beatles game?
There are Bon Jovi songs but only two.
Thanks for the help. Hope it isnt too much of a trouble for you. I can dont use the wireless also, cos I am doing hardwire connect to router as it is near my set.
Let's go thru step by step:
1. Once PS3 turned On, goto Settings
2. Select Network settings
3. Select Internet Connection Settings
4. Select Easy
5. Select Wireless
6. Scan
(do you see your SSID? if not, then something wrong with your Dlink router. Is it wireless router? Do you have the model no.?)
7. Select your SSID
8. Press keypad right to select WLAN security settings
9. Select WEP (mine is WEP)
10. Key in WEP Key
11. Move keypad right
12. Press O
13. System will do a test connection
14. Should be ok now, otherwise you need to call Sony
Good luck
But between $199 and $250.... is it better to get RB2 and then get just the beatles game?
There are Bon Jovi songs but only two.
The RB2 set may cost more than $250 here, what i seen this is the price if u order from amazon plus shippment to Singapore.
The RB2 set may cost more than $250 here, what i seen this is the price if u order from amazon plus shippment to Singapore.
Oh... definitely like that more expensive already... sigh

Met bro Ah_Cow yest to get his Batman for my fren... nice car btw....
Oh yeah, I wanna get the ridge racer from him...
Any lobang for PES10?
I got pre-ordered mine.. not out yet... maybe i dun wanna it already.. u can have it once i get it..
price i confirm with u again coz i forget wat price they put that time... sell u at same price lor unopened...
I got pre-ordered mine.. not out yet... maybe i dun wanna it already.. u can have it once i get it..
price i confirm with u again coz i forget wat price they put that time... sell u at same price lor unopened...
Y dun wan? FIFA10 better? Now stuck with Batman...... damn addictive but i only have ard 1-2 hour per day. Damn it.....
for those asking what GH or RB is about, it is playing to the rhythm (aka pressing button and hitting drums) to the song. U need to get the timing and the button right and also singing the correct tone too. If u think its easy, wait till u try the expert level..... too fast for my fingers already.
Bro Fireball0088,
Thanks for the tip. Tried that and still failed. I went to my settings in the router to doublecheck and SSID name is correct. WEP key also doublechecked and triplechecked. still cannot link up. 2 laptops r wireless connected to the router and both work fine. I guess i have to use hardwire to my router......
God of War 3 i think must wait till end of yr or next yr. They coming out God of War 1 and 2 special edition set in 1080p this month. Wah should be quite shiok to see Kratos in HD.
Bro Fireball0088,
Thanks for the tip. Tried that and still failed. I went to my settings in the router to doublecheck and SSID name is correct. WEP key also doublechecked and triplechecked. still cannot link up. 2 laptops r wireless connected to the router and both work fine. I guess i have to use hardwire to my router......
Are you sure you are using WEP? Go to your laptop and check by clicking on the wireless internet icon (or just hovering above it). It will show you the security type you are using.
agreed. this type of games actually best played as a party game. Then switch roles between singer, guitar, drums. RB1 to me is good, never tried RB2 so dono if there is really significant difference. RB2 also not cheap leh. RB2 abt $270?? then u plus game also quite ex. the price of $180 is for RB1. The special edition i think its only for RB2. maybe u wana get RB2 used set cheaper. i saw someone selling at $150 at gameaxis.
for those asking what GH or RB is about, it is playing to the rhythm (aka pressing button and hitting drums) to the song. U need to get the timing and the button right and also singing the correct tone too. If u think its easy, wait till u try the expert level..... too fast for my fingers already.
Bro Fireball0088,
Thanks for the tip. Tried that and still failed. I went to my settings in the router to doublecheck and SSID name is correct. WEP key also doublechecked and triplechecked. still cannot link up. 2 laptops r wireless connected to the router and both work fine. I guess i have to use hardwire to my router......
God of War 3 i think must wait till end of yr or next yr. They coming out God of War 1 and 2 special edition set in 1080p this month. Wah should be quite shiok to see Kratos in HD.
My drum can only play up to medium mode... but my guitar only easy mode... not born to be in a band i guess...
Y dun wan? FIFA10 better? Now stuck with Batman...... damn addictive but i only have ard 1-2 hour per day. Damn it.....
No time to play both football games leh....
now i need to buy wirelessfor my pc coz wanna relocate my router nearer to the ps3...

Y dun wan? FIFA10 better? Now stuck with Batman...... damn addictive but i only have ard 1-2 hour per day. Damn it.....
initially i stuck wif a mission ,the party..tot need to whack all the 16 people then can pass thru...who knows no need to whack them..just walk thru the door can liao..stucked there for few hours -.-
Edited by Freestylers09, 08 October 2009 - 01:02 PM.
initially i stuck wif a mission ,the party..tot need to whack all the 16 people then can pass thru...who knows no need to whack them..just walk thru the door can liao..stucked there for few hours -.-
Me also. Need to solve the riddle before can proceed. Go round n round n round then realise the clue is just nearby......

For flashpoint operation fans...the coming series still waiting approval from authority b4 allow to release..damn...
no wonder...
but online review so so only
can post to buy or sell and search games from here
Post to sell liow... thanks for the info
agreed. this type of games actually best played as a party game. Then switch roles between singer, guitar, drums. RB1 to me is good, never tried RB2 so dono if there is really significant difference. RB2 also not cheap leh. RB2 abt $270?? then u plus game also quite ex. the price of $180 is for RB1. The special edition i think its only for RB2. maybe u wana get RB2 used set cheaper. i saw someone selling at $150 at gameaxis.
for those asking what GH or RB is about, it is playing to the rhythm (aka pressing button and hitting drums) to the song. U need to get the timing and the button right and also singing the correct tone too. If u think its easy, wait till u try the expert level..... too fast for my fingers already.
Bro Fireball0088,
Thanks for the tip. Tried that and still failed. I went to my settings in the router to doublecheck and SSID name is correct. WEP key also doublechecked and triplechecked. still cannot link up. 2 laptops r wireless connected to the router and both work fine. I guess i have to use hardwire to my router......
God of War 3 i think must wait till end of yr or next yr. They coming out God of War 1 and 2 special edition set in 1080p this month. Wah should be quite shiok to see Kratos in HD.
Like Bro Kusje, I think you are not using WEP. Did you disconnect the LAN line from the PS3 when you tried to set it up as wireless? What kind of message are you getting?
Cannot be...... there must be some setting that is wrong somewhere.... Last thing is your PS3 wireless is spolit....Call Sony help desk
No time to play both football games leh....
now i need to buy wirelessfor my pc coz wanna relocate my router nearer to the ps3...
Don't your service provider give you a wireless router? Which provider ah?
Don't your service provider give you a wireless router? Which provider ah?
Got wireless router lah but my pc no wireless adapter.... so i put same room lah... but its far away plus alot of walls from the living room...
Thats y signal strength cmi... I need to transfer the wireless router to the closest room...
my house design elongish...
our asia ps3 set can play the us version ps2 dics mah?
or they come out ps3 disc?
sorry just checked, its out in Nov not this mth, and resolution is 1280x720, not 1080p. so that makes it 720p only..... chey....... and its in blu-ray. No region code.
u mention wrong name isit? I using WEP. Used my laptop to search, it says WEP. See admin settings, also WEP. Scan using PS3, shows the SSID and the WEP. I think the dlink router not compatible with PS3 lah...... i tried smc router, can leh, but no security settings. anyway, thanks for helping. I m ok with using hardwire to my router.
There's no such thing as not compatible with certain brands of router. Wireless is based on a standard like 802.11 a,b,g,n....
Got wireless router lah but my pc no wireless adapter.... so i put same room lah... but its far away plus alot of walls from the living room...
Thats y signal strength cmi... I need to transfer the wireless router to the closest room...
my house design elongish...
My suggestion is put the wireless router beside your PC and then hooked it up using cable. The rest of your equipment use wireless loh.
If range is not enough, buy a wireless access point to cover the whole house.
God of War 1 and 2 special edition set in 1080p
our asia ps3 set can play the us version ps2 dics mah?
or they come out ps3 disc?
I think only the first few batches of the PS3 - certain models could play PS2. Unless you have the older PS3, otherwise you can forget about PS2 games.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
u mention wrong name isit? I using WEP. Used my laptop to search, it says WEP. See admin settings, also WEP. Scan using PS3, shows the SSID and the WEP. I think the dlink router not compatible with PS3 lah...... i tried smc router, can leh, but no security settings. anyway, thanks for helping. I m ok with using hardwire to my router.
Hmmm... which model of the router do you have? it is a really old one? Which also should not be the case, as I have an older dlink which still works with my PS3.
Really weird to have a router that is not compatible with PS3. Reset the router - change to default configurations and setup your whole network again, starting with the PS3.
My suggestion is put the wireless router beside your PC and then hooked it up using cable. The rest of your equipment use wireless loh.
If range is not enough, buy a wireless access point to cover the whole house.
My PC already wired to the router as per ur sugguestion....
As for a wireless access pt, i not sure abt this... what izzit exactly? any pdt example?
My PC already wired to the router as per ur sugguestion....
As for a wireless access pt, i not sure abt this... what izzit exactly? any pdt example?
its like a rely station... check out dlink website.
otherwise, you can get one of the signal booster for a bigger coverage.
I think only the first few batches of the PS3 - certain models could play PS2. Unless you have the older PS3, otherwise you can forget about PS2 games.
Someone please correct me if I am wrong.
you are correct.
only the older 60GB and 80GB models can play PS2 games...
and only NSTC/J PS2 games ....
you are correct.
only the older 60GB and 80GB models can play PS2 games...
and only NSTC/J PS2 games ....
Are you one of those who have gotten that PS3? How are the graphics like for PS2?
Sigh, i missed the boat on those... but I heard the cooling on those were really bad.
i got a 60Gb and have a 80GB and now i'm looking for get a slim.. hahaha
the so called YLOD and lens issues is still a vast minority compared to the 360's RROD...
dun worry just buy and enjoy it =)
not really lah..
i got a 60Gb and have a 80GB and now i'm looking for get a slim.. hahaha
the so called YLOD and lens issues is still a vast minority compared to the 360's RROD...
dun worry just buy and enjoy it =)
initially, i had problems with my set.... heating issue. can't even turn it on
after several weeks of trying and multiple trips to sony, they change a new one for me
can i play fps games using keyboard and mouse on my ps3?
anyone tried?
just wondering.....
can i play fps games using keyboard and mouse on my ps3?
anyone tried?
depends from game to game.
Like Unreal Tournament III confirm can.
depends from game to game.
Like Unreal Tournament III confirm can.
how do i know what the game supports kb and mouse?

Was busy playing the FIFA10 pro season on Sun and notice the screen on my LCD TV flicker.........
what could be the cause? a moment dark and then turn bright again...... cable or what?
Wahz, bro... u buy already izzit? I complete first season liow... now rating only first team squad member... was reserve captain in first season... managed to relegate torres to bench... coz manager prefer to play me with gerrard... i'd prefer torres actually
Buy liao..... now i know y FIFA is getting more n more popular compare to PES. Still struggling with the control. Just been promoted as reserve captain and just netted a hattrick yesterday.Wahz, bro... u buy already izzit? I complete first season liow... now rating only first team squad member... was reserve captain in first season... managed to relegate torres to bench... coz manager prefer to play me with gerrard... i'd prefer torres actually

Buy liao..... now i know y FIFA is getting more n more popular compare to PES. Still struggling with the control. Just been promoted as reserve captain and just netted a hattrick yesterday.
U can online or not? Tonight we can play.... 10 onwards....
just wondering.....
can i play fps games using keyboard and mouse on my ps3?
anyone tried?
they have a fragx... which is similar to a mouse... heard it quite gd
U can online or not? Tonight we can play.... 10 onwards....
you added me ar? playing onmline any diff from playing the normal tournamant? I haben try fifa pro or online yet
you added me ar? playing onmline any diff from playing the normal tournamant? I haben try fifa pro or online yet
Yah.. added u..
Play online for fifa pro... same lor... u control ur pro player but can choose position....
Edited by Dj_spike, 12 October 2009 - 10:38 AM.
Yah.. added u..
you want play tonight ar?
you want play tonight ar?
should be ok tonight... juz log in 10 onwards...
meanwhile d/l ur squad list first and test to play online...
should be ok tonight... juz log in 10 onwards...
meanwhile d/l ur squad list first and test to play online...
d/l squadlist? simi lai eh?
they have a fragx... which is similar to a mouse... heard it quite gd
fragx? simi lai eh?
can use on all PS3 or not?
d/l squadlist? simi lai eh?
why not we set up a ps3 contact list and games that we want to play?
why not we set up a ps3 contact list and games that we want to play?
PSN ID: accordH22A
i play FIFA10 and Battlefield company.
d/l squadlist? simi lai eh?
Fifa10 update for online ah...
U know ah.. to play online they got all the funny patch to d/l one
Fifa10 update for online ah...
U know ah.. to play online they got all the funny patch to d/l one
ok i try tonight...

fragx? simi lai eh?
can use on all PS3 or not?
can use on all ps3
Fifa10 update for online ah...
U know ah.. to play online they got all the funny patch to d/l one
sorry can't make it tonight..... going ktv

Who bought uncharted 2:Among thieves?
I jus got it today
1) Smackdown VS Raw 2009 R1
2) Juiced 2 Hot Import Nights R1
3) Midnight Club Los Angeles R2
4) Sacred 2 Fallen Angel R2
5) Initial D Extreme Stage R3
Looking for Grand Theft Auto.
Please pm me.
Games: fifa10, GT5 prologue,
pre-ordered uncharted 2, out since last sat but havent go down collect yet. Maybe tom. will be playing this online too.
i can play fifa10 tonight from 1030pm onwards.
I was online last night i saw msg but then cannot find it after the notification disappear!!!! and also the EA server a bit slow leh... took very long to sign in... in the end timed out.....
ok on, same time same place. Your ID is the same as your nick here?
Bought PS3 slim last nite,given free HDMI cable + 1 extra controller & 4 games (Street fighter 4, dynasty warrior 6 empire, Fifa 10, RE5). Burnt small hole in my pocket. Wife dunno yet...

Connected to my wireless broadband effortlessly and created PSN ID: sardin69...havnt tried to use it to surf..
Played only ST4 for 1/2 hr then got bored with it aredy...maybe will sell it in a month's time..
Cheena vs US...interesting...
Ok...finally gave in to the dark side..
Bought PS3 slim last nite,given free HDMI cable + 1 extra controller & 4 games (Street fighter 4, dynasty warrior 6 empire, Fifa 10, RE5). Burnt small hole in my pocket. Wife dunno yet..., buy 1st tok later..
Connected to my wireless broadband effortlessly and created PSN ID: sardin69...havnt tried to use it to surf..
Played only ST4 for 1/2 hr then got bored with it aredy...maybe will sell it in a month's time..
this thread is very poisonous to older men with time on hands
bro, mind telling where did you get your PS3 package and how much? Yours looks like a good package. PM if not convenient.
I can share how much i got problem..Its $470 + HDMI cable (look exp with packaging) then see the website they are retailing at $18. Got another controller at $65 and other games few $$ cheaper than qisahn.
the HDMi cable, does it matter if you get microsoft or sony brand? what's the one that's given by Wargamez ah?
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